Cute but invasive

Issaquah, WA

Got this little guy fron my grandmother .. planted one clumb in the yard and now it is everywhere... It is overcrowding the weeds .... cute little bugger ... but I wonder if it will be a problem


Thumbnail by skilledwithands
Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

That is cute, what is it?

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

We have something like that here, but I consider it a weed. That's just my opinion.
:) Donna

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

You have kenilworth ivy. It IS cute as a bug and I just had to have some the minute I first saw some.
I've never planted it in the ground, but sure is a great hanging basket plant, and drapes over the sides so nicely...
My flowers get a bit bleached out in summer, but turn a very pretty periwinkle purple in cooler weather.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Funny....I just looked up the hardiness...

I had gotten mine from a nurserywoman in CA as a division from one she had growing/spilling out of a birdcage.(very cute, I might add).
I just assumed that since it was growing there, it was like most everything else there, ...frost tender...

Looks like it is rated hardy to zone 4/5!!!

The information said it can be invasive, but agressive is the better word. It said it is really easy to dig up and really easy to divide and transplant.
It suggested growing it in between pavers, and in rock walls.

I just love the stuff! lol...I love it even more now, that I don't have to bring it in for the winter!

Issaquah, WA

I think I would call it agressive...For some reason this year it is popping up everwhere.. In new pots of fresh dirt ... along the pathway in the woods ...just a very prolific plant


Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)

That looks an awful lot like Creeping Charlie, I wonder if they are related. Bane of my dad's life, that stuff.


Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I thought it looked rather similar to a form of Pennywort ...

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