What Vine Should I Add To My Patio Cover?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)


I have a fairly large patio cover in the back of my yard that needs some foliage for added shade and beauty. I have several vines starting from one end of it (passion flower, red trumpet vine, and wisteria) but the other side isn't doing so well. The side that is thriving is in full sun and seems to love the environment. They are all growing like crazy. The other side only gets morning sun which seems to leave the soil more wet. I have another wisteria and red trumpet planted here, but the wisteria is looking bad (brown crunchy leaf perimeter, no new growth, etc) and the red trumpet is growing but slowly. I'm thinking of replacing the wisteria with something else - but what? It would have to be something that likes soil that is consistently moist and only partial sun - although once it gets up and over the cover it will be in full sun. It would also be nice to have something fairly pest free as I have my hands full with a lot of other 'pest-full' plants. Do you think another passion flower would be a good choice? It is by far the most aggresive grower and I love the flowers.

-or- am I jumping the gun and should give my wisteria another season to see if it will come back? I also think it has leaf mildew and read somewhere to try a milk/water bath to cure it. It has been in the ground for 6 months so far and is about 4' tall.

I'd really appreciate anyone's advice on this. I hate to be impatient, but wondering if the wisteria's demise is imminent anyway?

Thanks so much! Christina :~)

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Hello Hello, Any takers on this post? I'm hoping to plant tomorrow, and would love some feedback from this one. :)))) Thanks!

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

just saw this thread, or I'd have tried to help you sooner

...the wisteria on the east may just be having a hard time right now, but they are very sturdy(as you well may know) and should surely recover.

Also, they are very hard to remove if they've gained any size at all...They can come back from an bits of roots you leave in the ground. So, if you do decide to move it, you may want to make sure you get every bit and piece of the root...

Not many vines I know of like it consistently wet, but I do know of one. Mikania scandens. It will grow in normal conditions, but loves boggy conditions best. It also will grow in part sun, but loves full sun. It was the very first thing I thought of when you described your conditions...
It also can easily compete with the size and vigor of your vines on the other side...

It also blooms and the blooms are fragrant...

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Seedpicker, Thank you for responding! I am surely grateful. I keep reading that the wisteria is very hardy, so perhaps I should give it another chance. I think on your advice I'll see if it will recover first and rethink it's fate next spring. I like your backup plan as well. (Especially with its fragrant blooms, which would be nice.) Hope you're having a wonderful day! Christina :)

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Just thought of another one...
senecio confusus(mexican flame vine) is a water hog...it prefers full sun to bloom well, but sounds like(as thirsty as it is) it might also be a good choice...

I can even send you some of that for postage. It is really easy to start...-

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Oh wow, that is georgeous! Even if I don't put it in place of the wisteria, I may have to use it somewhere. I just love it! Thanks for the suggestion and the offer to send. I may have to take you up on that! I've never had any cuttings in the mail, how do you send them that they stay alive during shipping?

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Usually in a box, with the roots wrapped in wet paper towels and then wrapped again in plastic...

Pittsfield,, MA(Zone 5b)

I have a Kiwi plant that looks like a snuffleufagus(SP) like on Sesame Street. Last year we cut it way back as it was trying to pull the pergola over. We reinforced the pergola and the plant came back fuller than ever. It grows at least a foot a day. I also have TONS of Virginia Creeper http://www.cnr.vt.edu/dendro/dendrology/syllabus/factsheet.cfm?ID=126
(Why anyone would buy this is beyond me as it is so prolific) We pulled out 2 bushels baskets of the stuff last weekend. But if you're interested let me know. Will find some rooted pieces and send them you way....

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

Kiwi sounds interesting, I'll check it out. I also looked at the virginia creeper, and it wasn't quite my taste but thank you for the offer. :)

Thanks for the suggestions!

Pittsfield,, MA(Zone 5b)

If you buy a mail and a female you should have fruit and where you live it ashould grow even faster than it does here. Also there's an awesome looking variegated on....

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

"Also there's an awesome looking variegated on...."

Ok, I'm in suspense. What had awesome looking variegated on?


San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

That's so cool! I've never seen anything like it. Thanks!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Would climbing hydrangea work for you?

How about Silver Lace Vine?

Any Sweet Autumn Clematis interest?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10b)

I'm making a list, these are great suggestions. I love this site! All the people here are so friendly and helpful!

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