My Datura Pictures

Brantford, ON(Zone 5a)

Grew three varieties of Datura from seed. Started indoors, but they also grow well with direct outdoor planting , but are late. This year ordered about eight varieties. Germination was very poor all I got besides the ones I had last year was a blue liliac one, which was so unattractive that I didn't plant it outdoors.

An infestation of the European Crane Fly sucked the root juices and slowed growth considerably. I would dig around the roots every day to pick the crane fly worms. They are very difficult to control. I dug handfulls out of a hole that I dug with a post hole digger and let fill with run off. Flocks of starlings were the salvation. They would land, and I watched one bird alone eat fifteen worms in about three minutes.


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Wow, that is a lot of pictures. Your camera does a great job. I noticed some flies that you caught on them and they were so clear. I love the triple yellow dat. Thanks for sharing.

Brantford, ON(Zone 5a)

Those pictures were my 2004 garden shots. I removed the purple one from my garden this year. The eight different type seeds ordered from some Internet site did not germinate except for a liliac type, which grew well, but had an uninspiring flower.

I eventually got four yellow ones to germinate and they are almost in flower. Pictures will be posted when the delivery occurs.

I have about 8 large flowering Devil's Trumpet. The plants are huge and give a flush of new flowers daily. To date, my favourite is the yellow type. Next year I will try to expand the varieties.

Incidentially, How do you like the system used to view the pictures? I am looking for feedback on this system. Speed, ease of viewing, annoying ,or any other comments positive or negative that you may have.


Osage City, KS(Zone 5b)

I liked seeing all the pics at once...... and you had wonderful plants.... This was my first year for Dats, They are at the top of next years plant list for sure..... I'm concerned by your statement that you had a poor results germinating seeds from the internet as this was how I was going to get more varieties. Most local stores do not carry these plants/seeds. The plants I got this year came from seeds that generous DG'ers shared...... Do you have a good source for your seeds that you can share ?

again - great pics

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

The photos are great, very clear and bright. Your index page took 1:30 to load completely, and that's on a broadband (cable). Had I been on dial-up, I doubt I'd have stuck around to look. You might consider at least breaking your thumbnails into several separate pages in the gallery.

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