New Ginnuea Impatiens

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I know I spelled that wrong, but its as close as I could get LOL
I have a couple questions I bought a couple of these a couple weeks ago, and they are doing wonderfully, they get watered at least once daily, and they sure let me know if they need it :)
My questions are... do you dead head them? Do they make seeds if you don't? I just went out and did a major cleaning up, alot of dead leaves and flower heads.... they look 100% better but I"m not sure if I did the right thing??

Also I have a very pretty varigated impatien... do the same things apply to it?

Thanks in advance


Chicago, IL(Zone 5b)

Hi Jan,

When there grow down here we just let them be. You can dead head, but as far as the seeds go, I have been told that they won't come true to the plant or won't grow, or sumptin....I don't remember. I think sugarweed grows them and propagates them...she if she will come on in, if not mail her. They are pretty, huh?


Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks so much Hap.... I wasn't sure and wanted to check, but boy do they look alot better now. The really looked like they were dying even with all the blooms, now that they are cleaned up I can see there are bunches of blooms left :)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Hey, Janis, they like the shade, wilt when thirsty and recover when watered. They don't need deadheading although I have taken a broom or my hand and brushed off loose spent blooms.
Here they grow year round. Mine have 2" stalks and are small bushes of about 2 & 1/2 feet. I saw some real pretty ones that had 3 inch blooms, but mine are the smaller blooms. I love to match the colors with coleus leaves. They echo the colors well.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

WOW Sidney... mine are in hanging baskets.. I have one hot pink/red and a salmon. I'll have to do some checking... I would hate for them to die off this winter.
I have noticed when they are thirsty they LOOK it LOL I had them a couple days and realized they were 't getting enough water, but ow that I'm checking them once or 2x a day they are much better :)

Thanks so much!!

Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Duh, "New Guniea" I have regular impatients.
Yours can take the sun, but still need the water.
They are annuals, and sorry but they will die back in the winter.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I was afraid of that Sidney, but thank you. I had them in full sun, cause hte tag and the lady that sold them to me told me they could take it, but it was just too much. Now they get partial sun in the afternon, and are much happier for it :)


Taylor Creek, FL(Zone 10a)

Yes, I'll go take some photos of mine in the ground, pots and everywhere. I planted some regulars 9 years ago.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks I'd like to see them Bet they are really pretty :)

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