Color fanatics here?

Seattle, WA

I've been reading books on planning gardens, and there is one constant: A hatred of the color pink.

After that, orange.


Seattle, Wa

Kernersville, NC(Zone 7a)

A hatred of pink, yikes, that is my color lol
I go for most pastels, am currently on a blue kick, and love anything with burgundy or near black foliage.

I am not a red fan and I don't like golden foliage.


Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Now, I don't especially like pink with orange... and some of the bluish reds are a bit much...but reddish blues are OK.

I am reading Christopher Lloyd's 'Color for the Adventurous Gardener' right now, and he would like bluish reds and pink with orange...there's no accounting for taste, is there?! :-)

Ottawa, ON(Zone 5a)

Don't give me maroon.

Real purple is fine but other than that, my favourites are red, yellow, organge and any colors in between such as peachy colors. Generally stay away from pink, but perky Lavateras do make it into my garden.

Big disappointment this year when my "Cambridge Scarlet" (I think that's what the label said) Monarda finally blomed (in its 3rd year in my garden) and it turned out to be MAROON! Yuck. Especially right next to a Red-Yellow Achillea Feuerland.


Arroyo Grande, CA

I like 'em all, all jumbled up, together. Just like in nature.

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