You can take the girl out of the city...

Hope, BC(Zone 7a)

But I guess you can't take the container gardening out of the girl.......

In these pots I have: 2 Brugmansias, Creeping Gloxinia,Greenspire Hydrangea, PeeGee Hydrangea, Sunflowers, Black Beauty Elder,Coreopsis, Hebe, Perilla, 2 Japanese Maples, a Willow tree, and a planter with some silver foliage and purple leaved - something, I don't know the names of either of those.....

Why don't I put these in the ground you ask?
Good question- I'd like to know the answer myself...LOL

Thumbnail by Iluvmygarden
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's a great collection! They all look fantastic!

Even if I had more space out in the yard, I'd always have some plants in containers. I like being able to wander out onto the back deck and putter with them. I have to have a cherry tomato and a couple of basil plants in a container right near the door for easy snacking! Also, it's the easy way to deal with anything that has to come inside over the winter. :-)

Starkville, MS

It's such a pretty setup, I'd just leave it as is and find something else to plant in the yard.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

What is the red things that look like red plastic cups at the top of the plants, or am I just seeing things.


Hope, BC(Zone 7a)

LOL those are my hummingbird feeders, you just can't see the pole that they are hanging on.....

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