Watermelons and pumpkins

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

I've got baby watermelons!!!!!!! I'm so proud. And I have this one faithful very large bee that just goes from flower to flower in my garden pollenating like a good bee should.

Now on my pumpkins....I planted them in mid-June, will they be ready by Halloween? The plants are about three or four inches long (maybe a skosh longer) and are spreading nicely. Will they be ready?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

maturity dates vary dependiing on size (variety), what are you growing, do you still have the package?

congtrats on the w-melons, i'm getting excited about mine 2

Glen Burnie, MD(Zone 7a)

The package was on a stick in the garden, but high winds took care of that. I don't k now what kind they are now. :( Learned my lesson, next time get those garden labels.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

oops. think FD said they ripen two at a time. watermelons have three ripeness tests, & i don't pick mine till they pass all three: tendril (rooty lookin thang) next to melon stem becomes dry. thump sounds hollow (this actually doesn't work in the store, only on the vine). guess i come back wjen i recall number three LOL

one another pumpkin thread someone explaibs how to tell when they are ready, when to pick & hoiw to cure, probably eweed on one of zone5girl's threads

good luck!

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