Passion Flower Trades Wanted!

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hello friends.
I'm wanting to try to get a hold of some new Passiflora's to get some more variety around here. I have some rooted cuttings that are ready to be potted up and healthy enough to ship where ever.
I have cuttings of:
P. Belotti
P. Alata
P. Blue Bouquet
P. Lavender Lady
P. Caerulea
P. Constance Elliot (White Caerulea I believe)
I also have P. Incarnata growing everywhere that I can make cuttings of and my P. Mexicana and P. Lutea should be big enough to cut on soon I hope.

Does anyone have cuttings of Passilfora's I didn't mention above they would like to trade with me? PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE?!? LOL
I have many other hibiscus I'm making cuttings of that I would love to trade for Passiflora's too. I have many colors of Giant hardy Hibiscus and several tropical hibiscus I could cut on to trade as well.
Please let me know via email or here if anyone could help me out on this challenge.
Thanks very much, Jeff

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

I have,
P. Alata
P. Caerulea
P. Constance Elliot White Caerulea
P. sanguinolenta
P. incense
i would be willing to take cuttings for some of your hibiscus.

Thumbnail by rh3708
Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have

P. Caerula ('Blue Cross')
P. Coccinea x P. Incarnata (Lady Margaret)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

rh. Are you looking for hardy or tropical hibiscus? I have a bunch of hardy giants in these colors: red, darker crimson red, white, white with a dark pink center, pink, a 2 tone pink...Shoot I better just show you pictures rather than waste our time with descriptions. LOL
Through the tropical hibiscus coop that took place early this spring, I have atleast 10-15 different colors/cultivars. Many are still a little small to cut on but not for long.
let me know what your interested in and looking for and I'll get them started. The only rooted ones I have right now are a red tropical bush and a double bloom red tree that is a beauty.
I would like to get P. sanguinolenta and P. incense.
Thanks so much.

bogweedbuck, I'd like a cutting or 2 of Lady Margret if you could swing it. Let me know which of mine your interested in and let's see what we can do;)
Thanks friends!

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

i would love to get your red tropical bush and double bloom red tree.
I have rooted cuttings of both passi's ready to go.
I have been working on rooting passi's this year so far so good and i love the tropical hibiscus.
I was hopeing someone would want passi's for trade of some hibiscus.
Thanks bunches sending you a dmail.

Thumbnail by rh3708
Leesburg, VA(Zone 7a)

JLD ... you have dMail.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

rh, this is excellent timing on both our parts. Kinda spooky that we both have the cuttings that each other wants and are ready to go but we had no plans for them as of yet. LOL I send all info via dmail now
Bog, you'll have mail to ASAP.
This is great!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

JLD, for postage I can send you Lady Margaret cuttings. It is taking over an 8 X 8 lattice. I just chopped a bunch of it back! Incense sends out little plantlets all over the yard, but I think I just mowed them down, so will have to wait till more come up. I have Star of Clevdon I was going to chop back too.

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

Jeff it was spooky wasn't it,... I was on the look out for something good and up you
I just knew if I held on to them I would find something nice and have a chance at getting it.
we need to talk about the rapid rooter cubes you have and where I can get some for me :}
I would like to get roots on my passi's faster than what I do now.
It seems to take forever for them to root.
I get better results in dirt than in water but the cubes sound great.

calalily I would like to get some of your cuttings in trade if possible of both I have been wanting Lady Margaret for some time now.
and I'm so glad to know the incense will send out runners I love it that my incarnata sends them out,... I will never have to worry about them being lost to the winter cold.
I hope all my passi's do the same.

Have a great weekend everyone talk to you later.

Thumbnail by rh3708
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Calalily. I'd happily pay you for your time, effort and postage. I've been having a very hard time getting the runners off my P. Incarnatas to survive and branch off new roots. I take it you have much better luck with yours?
My Incarnata is so well established that it is now sending runners out literally 50 plus feet away from the vines. My nieghbors yards now have them all over and I have more than I could begin to count. It's starting to become as invasive as my mint plant and if you have mint...You know what I mean as nothing spreads like it.
This heat wave is just beating down so many of my tropicals. It doesn't matter how much you water, they just get limp in direct sun but they revive when it cools off.
Well back to making more cuttings. UGHH

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

JD, I have a little incarnata plant. I just got it. I hope it makes it so the gulf frits will leave my others alone! I have foetida hirsuta that dropped seeds and some of those came up. I pulled some up for weeds before I realized what they were. One I think may be caerulea(it's white with a blue center) sends out runners too.
I haven't tried mint yet.
You don't have to pay me for my time, just postage will be fine. If you send me your addy, I'll pop them in the mail Monday. Want me to put them in a bubble envelope first class, or send Priority?

Frederick, MD(Zone 7b)

JD, I now have a cutting of P. incense started for you (remember our posts from late Spring-my P.incense was too young to cut then). I'm hoping I can get an incarnata from you in trade as the seeds never germinated (altho my P caerulea seeds FINALLY did!). I only have Lavender Lady for my other variety and I see you have those. I can only grow varieties hardy to zone 8 as I do not have a greenhouse. Once I see some roots poking through on my rapid rooter I'll mail this P incense off to you :-)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Sounds great cj. I can't understand for the life of me why those seeds didn't germinate for you. Out of the hundreds I mailed out, I think maybe 5% or less germinated. I've never had problems with this plant and its seeds before, oh well darnit.
Goodluck with those rapid rooter's. I think you'll be amazed, just make sure you don't over water them. That is where most people that have any problems with them go wrong IMO.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

JD and RH, do you still want cuttings? I need addresses so I can send.

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

Thanks Calalily dmailing you with the addy

Thumbnail by rh3708
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

JD, yours are on their way, RH, I'll get yours tomorrow if nothing goes wrong(it's been one of those days).

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank You so much calalily.

Thumbnail by rh3708
Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hiya Calalily and thank you so very much. I look forward to the suprises inside;).
You be sure to let me know what you want and when you'd like it, I'll get on it ASAP!
Have a wonderful day!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

OK, I will keep an eye on your pictures, lol. I really don't need anything right now, it's too hot to go out and dig a hole to plant anything!

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

RH, I sent your cuttings today.

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank You bunches calalily.
I have a couple of etlingera elatior pink torch ginger seeds,
I cant use them and they are yours if you want them.

Thumbnail by rh3708
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Oh yes!! I love those! Do I plant them like other ginger seeds? I have a bathroom window that is perfect for germinating seeds.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hello Cala and thank you very much! They showed up yesterday afternoon and sadly, the heat really did a number on them. I cut everything back short enough to fit in a 5 gallon bucket. I put about a gallon of maxicrop/superthrive mixture in there with a huge air pump and airstones to rehydrate above and below the water level. I covered the bucket with a plastic wrap and they are looking so much better. I think there will be a few fatalities but I'm thinking I maybe able to get the majority to take. I'm not sure how I did it but I mixed up many name tags and I need a little help to figure out who is who. I have a picture here of an Elephant ear and 1 other vine looking small plant. Would you please take a look at it and see if you could ID these 2? I'll get the others going today and I'm sure I'll have more questions.
Thanks so very much, I'll keep you posted.

Thumbnail by JLD_II
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Both elephant ears, the one on the left is A. cucullata, the one on the right is C. Ruffles.

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

Good Morning All,...

Calalily, I am not sure about how to germinate the torch ginger I haven't tried it yet.
I got it as a gift and don't have room to plant them but I was told to keep the soil warm with bottom heat.
I looked it up but didn't find anything that would help me so they went in to my goody stash for something special.
I will get them in the post today.

JLD,I will be sending your plants Monday.
The alata has her first two tendrils and looks great and the sang is small but she looks nice as well and has some small tendrils.
But the incense has lost all her leafs and is trying hard to get new ones I can just see the start of new growth.
I don't want to send it till the new is big enough to handle the trip, I will hold off sending her till then.
I hope you don't mind but I don't want her to die before you even get a chance to get her.


Thumbnail by rh3708
Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

JD and RH, if your cuttings don't make it because of the heat, I can send more when it cools off.
Its so hot and humid here today and the AC at work is not working! If it wasn't payday, I'd go home early!
RH, I will put them in the terrarium I use for propagating hard stuff, it's very toasty in there and humid.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

calalily, your too kind and generous. I sure appreciate all you've done already.
I'm amazed what 10 degrees temperature difference can make with plants. Maybe it was more sunshine radiating on the post ladies truck, I don't know but cuttings I got 1-2 weeks ago when it was SLIGHTLY cooler looked so much healthier. By putting the cuts you sent me in this bucket with the 2 huge micro air stones that fills the bucket with warm/moist vapor like air rehydrated them faster than anything else I've ever tried. I'm going to put them in cubes today and I think they will do well.
I'll be taking many pictures and posting them in a online folder that you all can look at much faster than trying to do them 1 at a time here. My isp provides me with online storage and I just have to give you guys a web addy to go to so you can see them all on 1 page. I hope I can figure it out today;).
Man oh man I'm going to declare war once again n the squirrels in my yard. I found this 1 guy running along the fence plucking off all the flowers from all my new canna's then sitting there chowing down on them 1 after another. I couldn't believe what I seeing! I need to get rid of this 1 before he has babies and trains a whole new generation of tree rats this very bad habit. I had a war a few years ago when they were eating my deck, roof, patio furnature, bird houses and feeder's. It was crazy! In a 2 month period, I trapped over 100 squirrels and the traps were all set not 5 feet from my back door. You couldn't even tell I trapped and removed them as the population was replaced in a matter of a couple days. Atleast the new guys weren't destructive so we got along well until now. here we go again. LOL
have a great weekend friends, Jeff

Westmoreland, TN(Zone 7a)

Calalily, i got my cuttings today they were just a little wilted not bad at all.
I put them in cool water and they perked up and are looking ok now.
I dont think you will need to send more,...Thank You for the offer.
You all have a great week end talk to you later.

Thumbnail by rh3708

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