Leaves on one of my new clematis turning black on the edges

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

At first I thought I had dripped some deadline snail bait on the leaves by mistake...then more and more of the leaves started to turn black. It had grown to about 3 feet tall since the middle of June when I got her....but today I cut her back to the first leaves. Does it sound like anything anyone knows about? I will look it up in my clematis books. BTW...at first the black was dry, so I thought maybe it was like a sunburn...but then they got softer....a puzzle...


San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

From what I could read it sounds like I have a case of Clematis Wilt...I will cut it back to the ground today as they suggested...

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Here is a photo from this morning, after I cut it back yesterday and trimmed all of the black off of the leaves that were remaining....More black leaves....

Thumbnail by picturelady
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Just keep it damp, don't drown it out of kindness or overfeed it, and it should come back. All of a sudden there will be new growth pushing up and you'll be smiling again!

If you'd like to see our gardens, with clematises (3 out of the 75 "planted") just go to Forums: Garden Talk - Southold Historical..... and please leave a note on the page because we want to print it out and save it as a memento.

Thanks and good luck with your clematis: the new growth may pop right up or decide to torture you by waiting a while.

Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)

Margie, which Clematis plant has the wilt? Is it a type II? They are usually the ones that get it the most! Don't worry. Just remove the dead or dying foliage to about 2 inches above the soil level. It will encourage new growth and the vines will be fuller because you cut it back.

Several of mine have done that and they grow just fine in subsequent years!

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

pirl...Thank you for your input on my problem. Actually, how did you know? I do tend to over-water.

I am just on my way out for the day to visit some nurseries in Berkley with Cal Sue and Lilystorm...both on DG, so will check out your site later...

Shirley...the clematis that got the wilt was Emelia Plater...a type 3. One of the ones you brought me from Chalk Hill. I was wondering if I should write them and tell them. Do you think the plant carries it or got it when planted? All the others are doing great! BTW...Chalk Hill called me a few weeks after you left and asked me for my credit card no. I told them they were put on yours. They said, no they were waiting for an OK from me as to where to charge. Also the gal said that the fellow you met had been out with pneumonia. I thought you might want to know. That was maybe 2 weeks ago.


Ellicott City, MD(Zone 7a)


I would definitely let Chalk Hill know that your Emelia Plater got Clematis wilt. I believe that Emelia is not only a Group III, but also a viticella! They are suppose to be more resistant than the Group II's!!! Glad to hear that the other ones are doing fine! Can't wait to see pictures of their blooms next year!!!

Chalk Hill's business office is totally messed up! I put the whole thing on my credit card!! I dealt directly with Maury Rosen, who is Chalk Hill's Nursery Manager. Whom did you speak with at the Nursery??? Do you want me to call or e-mail them???

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

Shirley...I wrote to Maury yesterday...I will let you know his response.

I didn't give the finance department my cc no. so I think we are OK there...

San Jose, CA(Zone 9a)

I heard back from Murray this morning...here is what he said...I am very pleased with the quick response and the attitude of this company, Chalk Hill...I will be sure to put it as a positive on Garden Watchdog! I will continue to do business with them!!! :-)))

"Margie, As you mentioned this is not a vairety that is subject to wilt. Somehow the plant has been stressed or possibly a break in one of the stems. Cutting the plant back is the right thing to do. It should come back with some strong new growth since I know these were older plants with really developed root systems. If the plant has not come back with healthy growth by the beginning of Sept. let us know and we will ship you a new plant."

Murray Rosen

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