Passion Flower Question

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 5b)

At the beginning of the season I purchased a pf vine "incense." It has since grown to over 10 feet and it has set some flowers. My question is I only have one stalk that is growing. How do I encourage it to become more bushy? Do I need to cut the new growth off at the top of the 10 foot stalk? Any hints would be appreciated. Thank you,

Lindsey :)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

yes cut or pinch off the new growth tip and that will encourage it to grow many other tips at various other nodes on the vine. I would do it again when it forms a new growth tip at the very end unless you have all the new branches you want. This is something I have to do with almost every cutting I root or new vines.
Good luck, JD

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 5b)

Thank you very much! It makes me nervous to pinch off the new growth tip, but I need a bushier plant.

Lindsey :)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Ahh don't be nervous, these plants are much tougher than we give them credit for. I had to butcher 3 of my biggest the other day...It was a very sad day.
I made the mistake of planting 3 cuttings in a 5 gallon pot last spring, I should of repotted it so long ago. It had 1 Constance Elliot, Blue bouquet and P. Belotti in the same pot. They were all so huge and bushy but the Belotti began choking out the others really bad. I went from having 3 wickedly huge and full plants down to huge mostly bare stems with monster rootballs. They were so rootbound, it looked like ALL the potting soil was displaced and washed out. When thepot was removed, there was just a huge massive sponge of roots. I kept most of the healthier branches to try to make cuttings of them and trade fr new ones I hope. OH, my point was I had nothing but huge bare stems and I needed leaf growth on these stems. By removing all the growth tips like I told you, I have new shoots popping out all over the base of the main stems. They should be bushy new babies pretty quick.

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 5b)

That is great news! When I finally cut off the tip to the height I wanted, I ended up cutting off 7 buds. I keep telling myself that it will set more buds, but it was sad to see them go... Thanks for all your advice, I can't wait for my first blossom.

Lindsey :)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

It is so agonizing to me too when brutally pruning like this. I wince every time I make a cut. I usually have to ask my wife to help as she doesn't mind butchering my passiflora's at all. My obsession with them is driving her crazy!LOL But I have to keep reminding her how they provide her with new plants of all kinds when trading here at Dave's.
Goodluck, Jeff

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 5b)


Could you possibly give me some info on how to root cuttings of my pf? You sound like a pro at it, and I would like to try it. Thanks,

Lindsey :)

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)
Here is a link where I wrote much of the details and posted a few pictures with links to products I use. You should find all the info needed.If I left out anything, feel free to ask. It is really easier than you think.
Goodluck, Jeff

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