Deer Repellent Question...

Flanders, NJ(Zone 6a)

It was just a matter of time. My furry friends nibbled here and there, and it was a mutual respect compromise, until now. I pushed them off their land, and I apologized and made friendly gestures, by planting more than I needed in my garden, so we can all share and get along. Well, now someone, and others are starting to get a little greedy with my eggplants, squash, maters, and sweet peppers. I'm new to the area, and where I resided last, I had a problem with George and Georgette, the groundhog(s). So I figured out that I can put their favorite meal, snack, on the outskirts of my veggie garden, so they would have the mentality of, why stuff my face with fast food, when I can have Surf & Turf, with less travel. It worked out great, and it was a win/win situation. So I ask all of you, what is your experience(s) with deer, and do they have any favorite flavor, i.e. flower, herb, grub and grog, that you know about through your years of gardening? I'm not one for Duck, Wabbit, or even Deer season, if ya get my drift, I want to rectify the problem without force, or even a fence, which I literally have NO TIME for. Thank You, Danny PS- Does anyone know if there is a Spell Check option somewhere on this website, because I can sure use it?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

There is a product called Liquid Fence that is a spray that has helped in my garden. It's made from rotten eggs, among other things. I read somewhere that a foul odor is more of a deterrent than a bad taste for a hungry animal. And I have had more success with the Liquid Fence product than with hot red pepper powder. Good luck!

(Zone 2b)

Fireworks scare deer temporarily, assuming that they're legal in your area of course. I use the cheaper single 'bang' ones that are meant more for the sound than anything else. (I don't buy them specially - I just save them when I buy a box that includes them)

Electric fence, the kind that is used for livestock, can also help. Just remember that deer can jump fairly high.

This message was edited Jul 20, 2005 2:32 PM

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

just found out deer don't like the smell of garlic!

read at very bottom...

Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I like the idea of the liquid fence, but does it take a lot to deter the deer? Our garden is pretty big, and the deer don't even notice the fence that must have been put up for the rabbits! Does liquid fence deter other animals, too, such as rabbits?

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

I'm not sure about rabbits. They aren't a problem here, so I have no experience with them. It might work, since it deters raccoons as well as deer. I guess an animal decides what to eat depending on whether it smells edible or not. And if it smells rotten and bad, that must tell them it's not good to eat. Good luck!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Good work Tamara!

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