How long should horse manure set before putting on garden?

Taylors, SC

I looked at the topic re: horse manure and I know you guys said to take/use the oldest pile, but noone was specific on how long it should be in a compost pile before being used---anyone know or can make an educated guess?
I have horses on my farm, but usually spread the manure in a pasture not currently in use. I would hate to be paying for soil amendments when I have something perfectly suitable right here.

Marlow, OK

You can add it fresh if mixed 1 part manure and 7 parts soil. If you want to hot compost it about 2 weeks. If you want to let all the nitrogen degrade by letting it set out in the open, about 6 months. To hot compost it, you will need to put it in a confined area like a compost bin or tub, and stir about every 3 days it is 2 weeks.

If you feed it to worms, about 6 days.

If you mix shredded cardboard and/or paper with it the cardboard and paper will absorb some of the nitrogen and will it's self become as rich as the manure.
To mix paper and cardboard in with the manure use 1 part manure and 5 parts paper. Put into a container that does not leak. Fill your tub, can or barrel or what ever 3/4 full with the manure mix and top off with water.

This is a 3 point fertilizer.
1 It streches the manure qualities by adding paper.

2 Use the leftover water for watering plants. Very hot water, mix 1/2 and 1/2 with water to prevent burning plants.

3 Able to use the manure sooner and safer than simple composting.

Hope this helps...

Taylors, SC

Wow!! Thanks!! :o)

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