Cleaned up on 50% off perennial sale

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Yesterday I went to deMonye's, a local nursery, for their "50% off all perennials" sale. It was the second last day of the 2 week sale so I was expecting a limited selection of half-dead plants. Boy, was I wrong! I brought home (in quart pots) Tricyrtis 'Blue Wonder', T. hirta 'Tojen', Heuchera 'Key Lime Pie', Verbascum 'Copper Rose', Brunnera 'Looking Glass', Canna 'Tropicana' and Campanula 'Samantha', a 3" pot of C. carpatica 'Pearl White', a 4-pak of Salvia 'Blue Angel' and a 3-pak of Pentas 'Deep Pink'. The Brunnera looks more like 'Jack Frost' than 'Looking Glass' to me but either one is fine. LOL

I spent less than $40 for the whole lot. Whoopeeee!! Christmas in July. :^)

Thumbnail by NoH2O
Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, wow! you really scored! I always LUV my plants more when I get them on a good sale! Your garden is getting a great July boost! I'm dying to get up there to deMoyes! t.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Wow, you did great! I went to a couple of nurseries hoping for a great sale....not.
:) Donna

Chesterland, OH(Zone 5b)

Congrats! Sounds like a great time to me.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

It was great fun. Now comes the hard part - planting them in soil that is turning to cement. We need rain badly. The remains of Dennis have been hanging around for a week and places all around us are getting some good rain. We have had a tenth of an inch out of Dennis. It is discouraging.

Tabasco, I think today was the last day for deMonye's sale. However, Oakland Nursery is having its annual 'thanks to all our customers' sale for the entire month of July. The sale percentages vary depending on the item and are not limited to plants. They have a great gift shop; have you seen it?

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, Sale-shoppers---

Was up in Cols. last week, NoH2O, for one day and had no time to check out the garden centers (except Straders)...but looked up 'Oakland' in the phone book--is it on the East Side of town? I am mostly on the west side (upper arlington) and will have to make a detour to check them out...but will soon.

I did find a perennial sale here in Cincinnati--because of the extreme heat continuing indefinitely, 'Greenfield Plant Farm' marked all of their one quart perennials down to a dollar each today. I found some really special plants that I normally would not be able to I am (very, very HOT, right now, but) HAPPY!

five kinds of aquileigia, digitalis, h. geraniums, heucheras various, lupines, all kinds of 'blooms of bressingham introductions', and other assorted exoticas. I won't tell you how much I spent, nevertheless, so pleased with myself for venturing out in the heat and 'scoring' on the sale. Can you tell?! LOL

Think I will go out and plant tonight at about midnight (in the nude with an icy gin and tonic)!

Happy gardening. t.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Wow, t!! I am impressed. You REALLY cleaned up. What a deal! I am jealous (of the plants, not the planting LOL). I would recommend waiting until the weather cools a bit before planting though, not only for your sake but for the plants. Temperatures in the 90's really make the plants struggle.

We had a heat index of 104 today and it was supposed to go higher but a huge storm blew in and dropped the temp to the 70's in minutes. It also snapped my tree rose in half. :^( I hope we at least got some decent rain out of it.

You are very close to Oakland Nursery if you are in UA. They are just off E N Broadway and I-71. Google and you will get their site.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh, now I see--before I saw the yellow pages listing for the Delaware store..Yes, the Columbus store is EZ to get to...just cut across Broadway. Said on their website there was 20 to 66 percent off...mmmm...sounds like a giant nursery operation---can't wait to get there! thanks.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Let me know how it goes and be sure to spend time in the gift shop. LOL

BTW, that big storm only gave us a tenth of an inch of rain. Seems like all of Ohio keeps getting rain except our little corner of Columbus.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I LUV good Sale Haul stories those are some nice looking plants.
Sorry the rain never got up your way.
We had about 3 days of soaking.

The Japanese Anemonies I got from you are JUST about ready to open their buds.
They loved the heat!

WOW t!
You DID clean up!

We almost went Sunday but getting the A/C ready for the last couple of days ordeal won out.

BTW We're you Broned out Mon?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Ric,

Were you without A/C in all this heat? I don't think I would have survived. Just watering in the mornings and evenings had me dripping with sweat. When I was growing up we didn't have A/C; heck, we didn't even have a fan. I don't know how we survived.

What's Broned out?

We haven't gotten any of the rain that has been falling in Ohio. Last night I was sure that big solid line of storms from the cold front was going to bring us some desparately needed rain. When I went to bed about 1 AM it was just getting close to Columbus and looked awesome - ran from Cleveland to Cincinnati. I got up this morning and not a drop had fallen. :^( Then it started raining about 11 this morning. So far we have gotten .25" but that is more than we have had in weeks so I am not complaining.

The earliest of my Japanese anemones are budding now too. I think they are about a month early but I have had a lot of plants bloom early this year. I am not sure why.

The tradescantia 'Blushing Bride' you gave me is growing like crazy. In May and June it was very colorful but since then has been a solid green. I don't know if it is because of the heat or not but I think it will color up again in fall. It is a great plant, I love it. The sedums are doing fantastic too.

I bet you are wishing you had made it to the sale where t. cleaned up. If I had to choose between that great sale and A/C, I would have chosen the A/C too. LOL

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We don't have central A/C every great once in a while we drag out the window unit.
(we don't work in A/C so don't really use it much)
This is mainly for sleeping.
It was in the mid/upper 70's at night w/ near 100% humidity from last Saturday on.
That's A/C time! lol
So I decided to finally put some permanent wiring in.

I meant to say Browned out.
22,000 homes in our area were in Brown or Black out for a bit Monday evening.

I'll get some shots this weekend of your Round-up plants and how they are doing.
Glad you're finally getting a bit of rain!

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)


Now, now, wasn't it just last year at DeMonye's $1.00 sale that you said you were going to be good because you didn't have any room for more plants? LOL -- I was hoping to get up there for the 50% sale, but finances were a little strapped during that time and I missed out. I was able to obtain two yellow clematis (c. tangutica) for $1.50 each at Meijer because they were half dead, but you should see them now! I can't wait until next year when they bloom! I was also able to obtain three brugs and a double lavender datura -- definitely need to get something together to over-winter the brugs!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey, Dave, it's great to hear from you. Gardenwife and I were beginning to get worried - glad to hear you are alive and still gardening.

Yes, yes, I said I was going to be good and this year I was WORSE THAN EVER!! Of course, now that the rain has finally stopped and the ground has baked to cement and the heat is miserable I am saying the same thing - no more plants. HA! Remind me of that in February when I am ordering everything I see.

Wow , the yellow clematis sound great. Where did you plant them? I put in Clematis x durandii and C. 'Will Goodwin' last year. I had some nice blooms from C. x durandii but so far Will is sleeping and creeping. Hopefully next year he will start leaping. LOL I also put in a C. 'Minuet' this spring. It's pretty small so I don't know if I will see any blooms next year.

Which brugs did you get? I grew Charles Grimaldi and Frosty Pink last year and wintered them over in pots in the garage. They did fine, in fact Charlie put out 100 blooms in the garage before finally going to sleep. They are doing okay now but I should have trimmed back the roots and tops and put in fresh soil this spring. They are so rootbound there is hardly any soil to hold moisture.

We found out about a local restaurant (in Grandview, I think) that makes homemade pierogis, kielbasi, etc. We haven't made it there yet, maybe we can get together for dinner. It would be fun to catch up.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi, NoH2O,

Just checking in. Got back from Columbus an hour ago and want to report I found my way to Oakland Nursery and checked out their sale---it was way too hot for me to get excited about gardening--they did have many nice things, some marked down--shrubs and trees, especially--but nothing in the $1 range which is what I'm looking for these days!
Really nice garden center.

Also, did have a nice patio dinner in Grandview last night but it was an Italian place--new, I think--'Tratatoria Roma' or something like that. It was delicious until a fly flew into our wine bottle and started swimming around! Yuk! LOL

Our A/C is out upstairs. Hot as billy blue blazes up there.

Candy, next time I go up if it's not so blasted hot, let's go scout Bakers Acres together. Do they have fall close out sales?

Keep cool. t.

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