Coneflower Doubledecker pics?

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Has anyone had a Double Decker Coneflower bloom?
I bought one this spring and the plant bloomed white last week. Yesterday I went back and told her.
The owner gave me another one that was blooming that was a single pink..she said that they only come double in their second year.
Does anyone have any experience with this new Coneflower?

This is the first one that bloomed white.


Thumbnail by Starzz

Mine haven't opened up yet. This will be their second year, but I suspect I may not see which ones are really doubles till next year.

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

I have never heard them blooming white, unless it is a white cultivar. The double ones I have heard won't bloom double until their second year.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks for your input, Echoes and Mobi.

I suspect the first one I got was mislabelled. It looks like White Swan coneflower.

I have had three plants mislabelled this year from reputable garden centres. Just the colour not the actual plant.

I hope this second one will bloom double for me next year then.

Happy Gardening..


Rockford, IL

I bought a purple one this year called razzmatazz (I think)--it looks like a regular coneflower--the tag said nothing about it becoming double during the second year--I was beginning to think I bought the wrong plant. Thanks,

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

the dbl in the 2nd year story sounds very bogus to me.

Why would you say that Vossner? Just curious, not challenging.

East Texas, United States(Zone 8a)

edited to say:

deleting posting as i didn't know what I was talking about!

This message was edited Jul 18, 2005 6:54 PM

Denver, CO(Zone 6a)

This is where I read that the plant has double blooms in their second year

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8b)

The cultivar that blooms with a second bloom on its "head" is called 'Doppelganger' and it does do just that in its second and subsequent years. Not bogus at all. The first year it looks like the regular purple cone flower, then in the second year, and for every year after, the blooms get a second bloom that forms right on top if the first bloom. I got to grow this plant as a test gardener and follow, and share, its performance in my garden...this is the third year I have had it, and the double blooms are quite something to see. Like a bloom with a bloom hat on...LOL :o) I didn't have a digital camera then......but I will see if I still have pics from the test-garden time period, and scan them in if I can.....

Anyone interested in more info can google "Echinacea purpurea doppleganger" - or just Echinacea doppleganger and many links will come up. Google the same words for images and some pics come up......let me know if that helps....


edited for spelling....:o)

This message was edited Jul 17, 2005 10:53 PM

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

I just bought a double decker this spring and it bloomed double - just luck???

Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

starzz - I think you were mislabeled and your nursery folks may be misinformed. I just don't see how a pink could start out white and if it blooms at all, it should be double although subsequent years will probably have bigger flowers.

cate - razzmatazz isn't purple, it's pink and it's EXTREME double. :) It just keeps building and building more layers as it opens. I ordered 3 last year and gave two away. They all 3 bloomed and remember, these were mailorder and smaller than what you may have gotten in the nursery. All three are blooming again now with even more stalks. Razzmatazz is a must have for cone lovers (IMO).

I added a doubledecker this spring as well. I believe the first bud is just starting to open. I'll check tonight. I hasn't been real vigorous but that's typical from from mailordered plants or the ones I start from seed.

Rockford, IL

Thanks 8ftbed! You've given me hope :)

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Jamie is right on that double decker/doppledanger coneflower here's a picture of mine. Their just now starting to get their dopples on them LOL. I bought the razzmatazz last 2 years from a grower and they sent me mango instead, I didn't complain since mango wasn't even released then.

Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

ohhhh Yeah! DD has to build a cone first, then puts out a few petals around the top.

Won't that be a kick IF starz ended up with a sport somehow. A "White" doubledecker?

let us know what happens once the cone gets built.

This message was edited Jul 18, 2005 4:47 PM

Livermore, CA(Zone 9a)

I am sure glad I read this thread, or I would have been yanking mine out too early.
I just got mine this year. I would have been trading them off haha.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

LOL sounds like something i'd do LOL. I got mine off ebay and that's the first thing she told me don't be alarmed when they don't do the dopple thing this year she said, it doesn't happen till their second year. Now there's so many new ones, I can't even keep up with them any more. I went crazy one year and bought , prairie frost, sparkler, fragrant angel, dopple danger and the mango one. I would love the razzmatazz, but I quit buying before I got that one. this is most of them's second year, last year they were in pots, I don't know what the reseeding will come up with though. probably plain ol echinacea.


Haydenville, MA(Zone 5a)

How is this different than the strange shapes that occur with the yellows? The pics sure remind me of that. Is this a controlled disease manifestation?

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I have double deckers from Big Dipper. I have read they don't double until the 2nd year, but mine are doing it this year. I am not at home, but once I am, I can try to send pics. They are cute.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Great responses from all. Thank you so much.

As I wander around my garden I think to myself.."well it will be better next year".
That goes for a lot of my plants. One needs patience when gardening.
If anything happens with the one that came white I will let you know..but I think it just got the wrong tag. It is probably White Swan.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Here is a pic of my Double Decker from Wayside Gardens. This is the 1st bloom on a 1st year plant. The "top deck" took a few days to develop. I can relate to the mystery of a new plant that does not look like its picture, so I hope this helps. Sheryl

Thumbnail by DreamOfSpring
Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

kool Sheryl. It's almost like a 2nd wind. The original skirt starts getting faded and it shoots out some fresh ones from the cone.

I checked mine this morning and it's got a little pink flower. I think I'll take a pic every other day then string them together in a composite if it develops the double.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Very best of luck with yours, 8ftbed. I feel sure the tops will begin to develop soon. BTW, I took daily photos of mine, too. Just can't find them all now (lol).

Oh, and while we are on this subject, check this out I am getting very strange top growth on a rudbeckia that is growing beside the Dbl Decker. Coincidence?

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Scutler..your double Decker is a beauty. That is what I am looking forward to seeing.

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

Thanks very much, Starzz. Actually, this photo is of a 2-3 week old aging beauty so take than into account. : )

Just remembered that you can tell the difference between dbl decker and the regular purple coneflower even before the top petals develop. Dbl decker has more lower petals than the normal coneflower. The normal coneflower has a single row of petals laid out side by side. This one has a dbl row of overlapping lower petals when it 1st opens. Maybe that will help you to decide if yours looks right.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Wow Scutler, that's neat looking, I like yours better than mine LOL, Maybe doppledanger and double decker are a little diff plant after all . They sure look diff don't they. I have dopple danger. I like yours better LOL


Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

yep, more initial petals around the edge. I took a single shot this afternoon and it was blurry so I deleted it but it had a lot of little petals around the side.

I've had rudbeckia and others have the weird extra growth in the middle. It doesn't repeat or happen on every flower. Guess the one bloom was just having a bad hair day. :)

Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

8ftbed, sounds like yours is the real thing (dbl decker) and top petals will soon follow.

About that rudbeckia, I got great info from someone (TomH3___) on ID forum. He indicated (with link) that this behavior is due to a bacterial infection spread by insects and that the plant should be destroyed before it infects its neighbors. So that rudbeckia is a goner.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I've had Bee Balm do it, too.....

Frisco, TX

I have read too that the Double Decker doenst produce the 2nd bloom until the 2nd year then more after the 3rd year. I bought two small plants at a local nursery and one has a bloom that is about to open. I moved it to full sun and it has grown much better lately. I cannot wait to see what it does this year.

If anyone is in Dallas you have to go to NorthHaven Gardens and Jacksons. They have the most unique awesome plants. I go almost weekly to see what they have in. Its addicting.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I was so disappointed with my double decker. I bought a couple last year, neither bloomed and neither came back from the frosts of the past winter.

Maybe I will get some Razzmatazz, they sound very promising.


Charleston, SC(Zone 9a)

All of my Double Deckers produced double blooms the 1st year as expected, so I'm inclined to think that those that don't probably aren't true to form. However, none of my Double Deckers returned the following or subsequent years, this despite the fact that our winters are exceptionally mild. I have one Razzmatazz which is four years old and which has bloomed reliably and true to form every year as have both Sunrise and Sunset.

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