Placement of a Greenhouse

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

I have seen pictures of a row of tomatoes going down the center of a greenhouse. Since I plant my garden outside, I try to plant my tomatoes in a row going from North to South. (I think that's the right way, but could be wrong. Then again, maybe it doesn't make a difference)

So, if I put them in a greenhouse, which way do I put the greenhouse? I read someplace that the direction of the greenhouse should have the "Broad" side facing North and South. If that's the case, then I'm thinking I've put my rows of tomatoes going the wrong way in the garden, i.e., running north and south.

Assuming that a greenhouse is situated with the doors facing east and west, and tomatoes planted down the center of the greenhouse, means the rows are going east to west. In my garden, I have the tomatoes planted in a row, north and south.

I want a greenhouse next year for my tomatoes, but now I'm not sure how to place it in order to take advantage of those long rows. I don't want to plant several short rows with a pathway down the middle of the greenhouse and more paths to the left and right of the center path, just to be able to get to the plants I've planted. It seems like a waste of space doing it that way.

So, do the greenhouse doors face East and West? or do they face North and South? I hope I explained that well enough for everybody to understand. I sort of got lost while I was typing it.

Thanks everybody.


Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Greenhouse doors should face east and west. Since the sun travels from east to west you get more sun beating down longer on more glass surface area and more warmth in your greenhouse.

Springfield, OH(Zone 5b)

Here's a pic

Thumbnail by Jazzpunkin
Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

Thank you very much. I needed to know this and couldn't find an answer. Shew!


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