Is this Aeschynanthus ?

(Zone 5b)

I bought this last week, and was told it was an aeschynanthus but I have my doubts. The leaves are thin and fuzzy. Does anyone recognize it as a type of lipstick plant or is this a succulent?

Thumbnail by Cheryl_IL
(Zone 5b)

Here's closeup of a piece that broke off.

Thumbnail by Cheryl_IL
Northern California, CA

Looks like Cyanotis to me, there are a couple of fairly common ones. Is this a houseplant? Given a bit more light (like outdoor bright shade) it should color up a bit. They can become invasive if planted in the ground, but are fairly easy to control. Nice plant!

(Zone 5b)

Thank you very much!
I bought it from a greenhouse as a house plant. The man who told me what it is said it was common variety of lipstick plant and needed a lot of light. He probably didn't know what it was and saw the lipstick plant in my other hand. LOL It seems I bought me a weed!

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

If it is cyanotis, then it *is* a houseplant in your zone. (Not hardy down to zone 5)

Looks like a fun plant!

Northern California, CA(Zone 9a)

looks like tradescantia family

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