Hurricanes and EarthBoxes?

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi All,

As we prepare in South Texas for the possibility of Emily coming our way I wonder if I need to do anything with my earthboxes? Are they heavy enough to leave out? Do I need to get them into the garage? They are darn heavy. It's hard to imagine that they would blow away and it's hard to imagine that they wouldn't get water logged in a hurricane or tropical storm. Any other EB in hurricane country?


Kearny, NJ(Zone 7a)

Laura...I'm not in hurricane country (I Hope!) but having moved 4 of them around on my patio with my son this year, I can't imagine them blowing away in all my the most severe of circumstances. I can imagine whatever is growing in them being totall destroyed however. They really can't get water logged because whatever moisture gets in from the top will flow down and out the drain hole. All in all if you value what's growing in them I'd get them straight into the garage.


Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Have you seen pictures of cars, tractor trailers and anything that isn't bolted fly thru the air. I'd hate to be your neighbor when a 60lb EB comes flying thru the wall of their home. Hope that answers your question ?

hanna, WY(Zone 4b)

I have EB also on my deck. I'm not in your area but I sure would move them. Like they said whatever is left may be destroyed if they aren't blown away. If we can move them I think the hurricane can. Maybe you can put something under them with wheels to move them. Good luck. Yvonne

Indianapolis, IN(Zone 5a)

Last night we had some severe t-storms blow through and totaly destroy my cukes. This is the second time that they have been blown over in t-storms. The two EB's that have tomato's in them also blew over. About half of my green tomato's have fallen off and now they're in the window to get ripe. I'm guessing that you really should move them into the garage so you wont lose your plants. Although, since the plants grow really quickly in the EB's if you do lose them it wont take long to regrow them. Unfortunately for me it's now too late to regrow my cukes. Hopefuly my tomato plants will recover.

I hope everything is ok down there.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Sounds like you are having tornados in with the thunderstorms ? EBs weigh at least 60lbs. when filled plus they are low to the ground ? It has to be a tornado to move them as mine have withstood two hurricanes and didn't budge. Where do you have yours ?

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