Yellow Butterfly vine question

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

This is from seed this last fall. It's about 8 foot tall now, growing up the trellis, wondering when it will flower? Anybody know? That other vine is thunbergia battiscombii growing on the same trellis. I'm trellis poor here LOL


Thumbnail by kathy_ann
Mc Call Creek, MS

Kathy Ann, are you sure that is mascagnia macroptera? The leaves don't look like it to me. Those leaves look a lot like red trumpet vine unless I'm mistaken. (which I often am).

Look at the pictures on DG and see if you think this is the correct plant.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

OH Crud, I'm sick, I thought I had yellow butterfly vine there. Wait a minute. I even got t he butterflies in the mail, you know the dried butterflies with the pods in the center. Maybe I mistagged it later on though, that could have happened. Too much to keep up with I guess, I'll go look it up in the plant files, and I guess i'll just wait and see what it is, if it ever blooms. Thanks Kay.


Mc Call Creek, MS

They come up from seeds really easily. They'll probably show up in another pot!

LOL Good luck!


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

With my luck may be so LOL

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, I just looked it up in the d ata base and your right, it doesn't look like the yellow butterfly vine leaves. I guess we'll just wait and see what happens, I"m disappointed in this, or me or what ever happened LOL


Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

yes, that does look like the trumpet vine. I have them everywhere, and they have never bloomed. They are very invasive. I have had them growing for years.

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Well, Now I'm about to scream, LOL, thinking maybe I should just pull it up now before it takes over the trellis. what happened to those cute little butterfly seeds I planted. Where are they LOL.


Mc Call Creek, MS

Kathy Ann, my vine has a few butterflies on it. When they dry out I'll send you a couple. They are really pretty easy to grow.

By all means, get rid of that trumpet vine. We have 70 acres, about 20 of which are in pine trees........with trumpet vines growing on all of them, and all over the ground on the other 50 acres. Don' t let it get started. It's almost as bad as kudzu.


Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

Kay, could you post a picture here of your butterfly vine, "the leaves" too. I've torn it down, wondering where in the heck are the butterfly vines I planted. Guess their gone.

Thanks so much for the offer of seeds, I'll surely take you up on that.


Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Does any know when butterfly vines bloom? I planted mine, both yellow and orange last year from bare root. My arbors are covered with folliage, but no blooms. I'm in NC zone 7b.

Mc Call Creek, MS

Kathy Ann, I don't have a picture of my mascagnia macroptera.
However, Almost Eden Plants has an excellent picture on their website.

Bob White, I'm wondering if we are talking about the same kind of butterfly vine. There are so many plants labeled "butterfly" it is confusing.

The one Kathy Ann is talking about is mascagnia macroptera. The only other mascagnia that I am aware of is a lavender one called mascagnia lilacina.

Do you know your plant by any other name?


Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Kay, I bought mine from Direct Gardening (House of Wesley) they were listed as "Trumpet Vine Collection" which consisted of 1 Yellow Trumpet Vine and 2 Hummingbird-Trumpet (orange). They advertised that they would bloom the following year after planting. So much for the truth in advertising. I am including a pic with this posting, and perhaps it might help in Identifying the vines. The vines are almost identical, however one which I believe to be the yellow Trumpet has 7 leaves as shown in the pic, the other 2 vines have 10 or more leaves per stem. I guess I should have known to order by scientific name to assure I receive the correct plants. Bob

Thumbnail by bobwhite1
Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

OH shoot Bob You just ruined my day LOL!! So you don't have butterfly vine either ha? LOL. I already have a trumpet vine growing, but the leaves are quite diff than the one in your picture.

But the leaves on my so called butterfly vine up above, do look just like yours ha LOL. oh well, I've already tossed mine any hoo. Cause We've determined already it wasn't butterfly vine.

Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Sorry about that Kathy, now if I only knew what I have and when it will bloom. Maybe someone out there will know. Bob

Mc Call Creek, MS

BobWhite, I'm not sure, but I do believe that is trumpet vines that you have. The orange ones are extremely invasive here and grow wild. We have pulp wood pines on about 20 acres, and they are getting ingulfed with trumpet vine. Roundup does not even kill them.

I don't know if the hybridized ones are like this or not. They are very beautiful when they bloom, although I'm not sure when that is, but the wild ones are wicked.

Just a word to the wise.....good luck with yours.


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Just some information from Ohio on the Trumpet vine, the yellow is much slower in growth than the orange/red variety.The orange/red would take over here easily. Orangey's are blooimg their hearts out now, while the yellow blooms later.

It could also be that they won't bloom as fast growing in a pot????


Hope Mills, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the imput Kay and Laurrie. Mine are in the ground Laurrie. I guess I'll leave them for the time being, but I will prune them back some while I still can, or I might let them fight it out with the Cypress Vines lol. Bob

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