Yellow Trumpet Vine

Marion, IN(Zone 5a)

I am looking for a couple of these does anyone have any to trade? If so I can send you a list of plants I have to trade.


Oklahoma City, OK

Hi Karen,
I have an invasion of yellow trumpet vine in my backyard and would gladly give up every root I can retrieve. I don't mean to sound cynical, but trumpet vine has truly become my deepest nightmare. It was once a stately, luscious specimen twined over a patio cover. Because it outgrew it's usefullness, I removed the bulk of the vine, drilled holes in the 3" dual trunks and applied stump kill. The thing revolted, and sended up 100 children to take it's place. It grew beyond a 12 x 12 slab of concrete, beneath a tool shed, traveled 30' down a canna bed and fanned out into my husband's prized bermuda grass. It will take months of exploratory digging to remove it all. I am defeated. Although I hesitate to inflict such a scourge upon you, I will gladly send cuttings if you so desire, but I accept no liability. You have been warned.

Marion, IN(Zone 5a)

OH Thank you!!!!! we have the red ones everywhere here but I couldnt find the yellow anywhere.I will take you have some rooted too? If not I will take cuttings. what do you want in return???? please let me know,

Oklahoma City, OK

Hi Karen,
Glad to see you're interested. I have shoots growing anywhere from 2" to 6". Name your poison. I can also send bare root cuttings which will probably handle shipping stress better.

About trading, I can only accept seeds or corms/bulbs/tubers. Have you any dwarf cannas? How about unusually variegated hostas? Caladium bulbs of any color, or Colombine seeds would be great. It doesn't have to be organic. A small bird house or rain gauge would also be lovely. I enjoy leaded/stained glass and collect goofy teapots.

Keep in touch.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I am with you! That stuff down here in the south is the "southern kudzu". I refuse to send it to anyone that is in a warm climate, lol...

And, meanwhile I'll spend the rest of my life trying to erradicate the 12 original plants and their millions of subsequent suckers...Many of those suckers are just as you described...30 feet away from the original plant!

Maybe they aren't invasive in cooler zones, but I have a sneaky suspicion that they are just slower at it...

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I have had mine for 13 years now, it has moved with me 3 times and just finally this year I found 2 small babies rooted and growing where they were originally when we moved to this house. I have them in a pot now for a neighbor who had never seen them and begged for a start when I ever got one. They may not be as fast at taking over as the orange/red ones, but mine finally gave me 2 suckers after all these years up here in Ohio.

Taylor, I bet that some things you are happy grow that well down there, while other things like the trumpet vine you wish would just keel over huh? LOL How is the heat in your area, we are finally getting in the mid 90's here but not so hot at night, things are perking up and really thriving finally.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey girl!
it was only 111* yesterday, lol...and we're not even to The really hot part, yet. In August it gets worse. We finally got a pool this year because we just couldn't take another Texas summer without one! is about the only way you can enjoy outside when it is that hot...

Yes, you put it well! The grass isn't greener on the other side, it is just two different kinds of grass...
You can grow neat things up there, that like cooler weather(peonies and tulips), and here we can grow things that like it hot(grapes, tomato).

Nice that we have Daves, so we can all share(at least virtually), lol...

I admired a photo of your angelique tulips this past Spring...I've tried many types of tulips(including angeliques) and they just don't like it here...
What can be frustrating for me is that we are hot enough for the tropical stuff, but still get freezes, so the tropical stuff still dies in winter.

How are the brugs and garlic vine?

Marion, IN(Zone 5a)

hi okiedoe,
how about a couple of both that way something might make the trip in this heat!
I have some of the stuff you mentioned, I will send you a list in the morning.


Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

sorry to hijack this thread.........

OH MY Taylor, well we are expected to hit the 100 mark today, I was out watering everything the morning just in case, dont' want to fry any babies LOL

I have the brugs doing well, the garlic vine I am so sorry to say keeled over, don't know what I did wrong, but I am NOT going to try it again, I feel like such a retard killing that beautiful plant you sent!

Have you ever thought of trying tulips, etc. in a pot/shaded spot? I am not sure but they did do so well here this year I was excited at some of those blooms.

Does the tropical stuff come back then from the root? I bet they do down there, here any tropicals you know, I have to bring in or they are toast or should I say ICE and MUSH LOL

Marion, IN(Zone 5a)

Hi Okiedoe1,

I have tulips(4) and Surprise lily bulbs(1).
1 Elephant ear bulb 2 Caladium bulbs(commercial)
Seeds for Pandorea vine.
Here is what I have in Columbine seeds:
Barlow Mix-Commercial
Dragonfly Mix-Commercial
Scott Elliott Mix-Commercial
Ruby Port-Trade
Blue Barlow-Trade
McKana Giant Mix-Trade
Gold Leaf-Trade
Dark Red PomPom-Trade
Wild Alaskin-Trade
Stellata Burgandy-Trade
Roman Bronze-Trade
2 tone Ruby-Trade
Burnish Rose-Trade

If there is anything else you are looking for I might have it so just ask, If I dont have it I know someone who might have it lol...
Let me know if you are interested in any of this.


Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Karen, seedpicker, I would love some cuttings, afraid I have no plants to trade but have a few seeds you might be unterested in, or I can do Postage through the mail or Paypal.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I have a yellow one in a on gallon pot, and as many orange as I could poossibly dig for the rest of my life, lol..
Please email me about this and let me know what seeds you have to offer.

Oklahoma City, OK

Hey KarenMG,

Saturday morning I attempted to dig up 4 or 5 of the yellow trumpetvine suckers with no luck. It appears the main root from where they spring is about a foot deep and I broke off every one. I have decided to attempt a root cutting method and have potted up three root sections in plastic bags to control moisture levels. As soon as they sprout I will let you know. Hang on to the elephant ear and caladiums. They sound like a fair trade.

Marion, IN(Zone 5a)

Okiedoe, I will set them aside for you.....


Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

okie, I would love to know if you get them rooted. I have red and yellow trumpet vine and tried many times last year to root them for a friend....with no luck at all. My thoughts were.....sure I'll get you much as these things roam and reproduce this sould be easy! LOL Boy was I wrong.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

They root best in Fall. Actually, they'll try to root (at every leaf joint) even in the air! Just watch them and look for them sending aerial roots out in Fall. At this time of year, you can lay a stem onto the ground, or pin to the surface of a pot of soil, and have dozens root themselves for you...

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Good info, Taylor, my daughter is wanting a start of my red/orange one and we tried digging a couple of runners and we might have some luck. I can 't even imagine 111*, I do remember a day of 108 only once here. We don't usually break 100.

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

You are the same zone, but you don't get as hot and you get much more rain...wish MY zone 8 was like that, lol...

Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

I just could not live in your zone 8, the heat would kill me. I can tolerate the rain even but my hubby is a berry farmer and he just really struggles when the sun disappears for as long as it can here. And it does disappear from November to May. We can get isolated days of nice all winter.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

seedpicker, thanks for the info. I'll be trying to root them soon!

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