Veggie container garden question...

Painesville, OH(Zone 5b)

Why, when the pot is big enough, the potting soil is fine, the sun, water, and fertilizer are ample, are my container-grown 'Miniature White' cukes looking not so good? They are deep yellow at the root, and pinched looking at the ends. I had some extra seedlings so I threw them in my son's weed-patch/wildflower garden, and while there are no cukes growing there yet, the blooms are at least 1 1/2 times bigger. I'm thinking those cukes will probably turn out better. What gives? I converted much of my garden space to flowers this year, thinking I could just grow my veggies in containers, but the results have been disappointing (I am also growing cherry tomatoes, 1 bell pepper plant, 2 eggplant plants, and 2 cantalope plants). Tamara

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