Confused about my Sycamores

Albion, MI(Zone 5b)

I am confused about our two sycamore trees. We moved to this house in May of last year. We don't remember any time last summer when the sycamore shedded any bark. So we figured it was a done deal - not to happen again. Yesterday we woke up and both trees had large pieces of bark lying all around them. And they have more pieces hanging from the branches today. Most of the branches are now shiny white. We have had two rainstorms, but nothing out of the usual in the way of wind. However we have had extreme heat for Michigan - frequent high 80 and 90 degree days compared to a cool summer last year.. It appears that all of the bark is from the branches only. The trees are mature, maybe 40 feet tall. They are great shade trees and also are within 10 feet (and the other is about 20 feet) from a small river. They are very wide branching rather than pyramidal.

I was a little perplexed when we moved here too. While I am sure they are sycamores, they look so different from the one we had years ago in another city. That one was very old but had huge, huge leaves and a number of fruit falling in the autumn. These have leaves closer to the size of maple leaves and we have yet to see fruit.

Are these characteristics normal? While I know that mid-summer is the normal time for bark to peel, do they do this every summer? Could the shedding ever mean a problem is present? And why no fruit?

I don't think we have ever had shade trees that we more enjoyed. They are beautiful in habit, and their texture is so interesting. Thanks for helping.

Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Shedding just means they are growing vigorously, probably a combination of the heat and the adequate access to water. They don't always fruit -- maybe the flowers were hit by the last freeze that damaged so many trees in the Midwest.

Guy S.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Sunset Western Garden Book / 531.

"Older bark sheds in patches to reveal pale, smooth new bark beneath."


Albion, MI(Zone 5b)

Thank you for your reassurance and help.

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