Bald Cypress.......growing requirements question

Virginia Beach, VA

Hi all!
I'm new to Dave's Garden but it seem like a wealth of knowledge here for plant lovers like me!
I want to plant Bald Cypress on my sandy bank along a tidal creek in mid-late afternoon sun. Any feed back on this??


Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Sounds perfect. I have a bald cypress that is about ten years old. It is huge. It is planted about halfway down my yard, which tends to stay on the boggy side. Mine does get almost full sun all day. The only problem is since it is in a boggy area, it wants to grow knees. I love the knees they grow but I cant have that in my lawn. So, I have to regularly run the lawnmower over them to keep them shaved. There is one down the street in a park. It is very close to the bay and thus has a bunch of knees growing around it. Very cool looking. If you plant it in drier soil, it wont grow the knees.

Virginia Beach, VA

great feedback rylaff........thank you!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

I have a nice Taxodium ascendens (Pond Cypress) and I rather like it over the T. distichum. A bit more columnar. Foliage like Cryptomeria.

Savannah, GA(Zone 8b)

My yard stays very moist and I don't have a shade tree. Someone said this would grow well, plan to plant one when it gets a little cooler, does it grow really fast?

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

Yea, it grows pretty fast. Someone have me some seedlings, which I had in a pot. The pot was in another pot that had water in it. They grew like crazy until I found someone to take them.

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