Meeting with Disability Officer

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Some of you may remember that I had a very uncomfortable lesson on disabilities at the end of last term. Well, today I had an appointment with Arthur, the college disability officer, to discuss it.

The meeting went well. I liked Arthur. He was very up-to-date on the subject and quite obviously believed in fair treatment of disabled students. He apologised on behalf of the college - which I accepted. We talked about the issues in a very adult and reasoned way. He is going to have a talk with Laura, and if she hasn't already been on the college Staff Development Programme that covers disabilities, will make sure she goes on it. There is also a possibility that he will come into the class and give us all a talk on correct procedures for teaching disabled students.

The main thing that was wrong in the lesson was the lack of empathy. It's important for teachers to empathise with their disabled learners. Hopefully my complaint will improve the way that teachers respond to disabled students.

I feel really pleased by the way the appointment went. Isn't it just great to kick *ss?

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Well, that the best thing I have heard in a while! Will you be in that rude persons classes any more? If so, now she will have to watch her step, knowing that you went over her head and did the correct thing
by doing what you did! Actually, you did her a favor and maybe she will learn a little compassion! Doris

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

That's great news about an unfortunate incident. It's good to see there are Staff Development Programmes that cover that. And, if he does give a presentation I'm sure many of the students will absorb this information and maybe at least one person will re-think something he/she says or does in the future. Kudos to you for standing up for yours and others' rights! :-)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you both. I'm really not expecting much to come out of this. But he'll certainly talk to my teacher. And hopefully he'll give some kind of presentation in class. He was a real gentleman!

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

So pleased to hear that you stood up for yourself and found someone who listened and is in a position to take some action.Well done.
Maggi xxxx

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Sorry I missed this thread Diane and well done for getting this acknowledgement.
Let us know if/when there is anything further please

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Philomel

I've heard nothing further and of course it's been the holidays.

College starts again in a few days. I'm a bit ambivalent about doing these courses now. It looks pretty much certain that they are not going to lead to a livelihood for me. I should have been going on to do another year after the City & Guilds 7407 year but have basically decided against it. I had the opportunity to do a little teaching work at a college this term but it was only 4 hours a week and by the time I paid for various expenses it wasn't going to be worth it financially for me. So I eventually told the college no.

The storytelling scene may start to open out for me before too long. One of the ladies who was at Bleddfa with me has contacted me to ask if I'd like to put together a storytelling set with her, and we'll try to sell it to festivals etc. The suggested idea is Yorkshire ghost stories. I'll tell ones from the North York Moors and she'll tell ones from the Yorkshire Dales.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Already you are beginning to be known! You were cut out to be a story teller. Look at all the jaunts you took us on! Your descriptions made us feel we were right there with you. You have a wonderful knack for telling stories. I only wish I could be there to hear your ghost stories!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Doris! Digital and oral storytelling aren't quite the same though. However if I enjoy doing one there is a good chance I'll enjoy the other.

I have a break to the Lake District planned later this month. There's another small storytelling festival on. So I'm taking a long weekend. There's a possibility that my friend might go to it too. That would be great!

I'm a little sad at giving up the chance to get a PGCE FE - the 4 hours work would have given me the chance to improve my teaching qualifications. But it would have been expensive for me and very hard work too. It looks like my life is starting to go in a different direction now.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

So "Go with the flow"
Looks as if that's going to be your forte - and a very enjoyable one!
Good luck with it all, and have fun in the Lake District

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Philomel. I'm looking forward to it now. The autumn colourings should be starting so if the weather is fine it will look glorious.

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