They lose, I win!

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

I love it that Lowe's can't keep AV's alive! I just bought 3 new ones for one dollar each, because they were a little scraggly looking....nothing I can't save! It'll be a surprise what the bloom color is, I picked these because I liked the leaf shapes. :) Susanne

Thumbnail by art_n_garden
Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

I always check the discounted plants, too! What a bargain. The one on the left looks neat to me. It will be exciting when they bloom for you-- you'll have to post pics. Way to go on your "win"!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Great find!!!!
Those will probable perk right up with some new soil and your loving care!

Wally Worlds looked about the same tonight ...they were all dry and torn but several were still managing a bloom. Av's are so amazing.

I can't find any of the cheap small AV pots locally ! UGH!


Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

I need cheap AV's wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Howdy all.... still got a sick little one so not here much, but I'll bb asap :)

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Sorry to see your lil one sick..hang in there MOM..
we'll be here waiting for ya!:)

Prayers to YOU & the lil one.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

New soil....good idea! lol. That's why you're one of the experts here Ms. C!! They are amazing aren't they! Survive in conditions I couldn't even survive in. They're looking a lot better now that I pulled off limp and dead leaves. I really can't wait to see the blooms!

We'll be here of course Woofens, hope baby gets better! I never find good deals, I was so excited! (Especially since I was out on an Av hunt.....bad monster bad monster!) lol Susanne

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Oh I'm no expert and I've managed to kill a lot of Av's !I've learn so much in the process of trying to correct my "plant torturing" ways.

Here's something you might try :
a lil Epson salt and Superthrive on those babies.
I'd water them really well first then put about 1/8 th tsp of Epson salt & drop of Superthrive to a quart of water and let them soak that up,then repot them. They will just about jump out of the pot in a matter of a few weeks.
They look pretty bleached maybe from sitting in the water trays and then being allowed to dry out.

I always get such funny looks when I'm shopping for plants especially Av's cause I can't help but to groom them while I shop.I just pop off dead leaves and flowers. I just feel so sorry for
I had a guy ask me what I thought I was doing and so I told him.... He ask me if I as going to charge him for my

Keep us posted and be sure to repost pics when they make some growth.


Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

lol MsC. Great find Susanne. Our Lowes and Wally World don't carry them.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hiya Donna! Glad to see you survived Dennis.

So do you have any AV's or do I need to send you some of these babies,too?
Ya know we can always use another AV addict..;)


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Uhoooh! Watch out Donna! Lol. They don't sell them, ever? That's so sad! I wonder if it's because they realized they just waste money and have to give away dead plants too much. Hope mine doesn't realize that!

I will follow your advice this afternoon Lottie, thank you. I've been meaning to buy some Super Thrive for a long time, this is a good excuse. And I've been noticing the wonders of Epsom salt on my brugs and I'm convinced! I didn't know I could use them on Av's too.

I do that too- grooming all the plants! lol. I can't believe that guy asked you what you thought you were doing. Well what does it look like! Saving all the plants. :)

On a tangent, do you think Super Thrive could help bring back a Schefflera (20 year old plant from my grandmother, didn't do so well when plant sitter left it out during snow storm) ? It has roots, which are seemingly not dead, still has moist pith and everything- but it hasn't put out any new leaves in about 3 months. I got desperate about 2 weeks ago and dug it up, ripped it in two parts, potted them both and left one outside and brought one in- still nothing. Would it do me any good? I've really been ignoring the problem because it makes me sick to think that I may have killed it.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Afternoon all :)

The little one has MONO of all things LOL he is doing much better today, but doc said to keep him quiet as much as possible for the next couple of days. Yea right, he is 3 and a half ROTFL

My AV's are still hanging in, one looks kinda yucky, but the blooms are dying on it, just the old ones, so hopefully that is all it is :)

Talk to ya'll later... we have to get ready for the rain from Dennis, Ivan dumped on us, and we had 6 foot of water in our basement and had to evacuate due to the creek rising so much

Wish me luck!!


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm glad you've got a diagnosis for your little guy, as the unknown can be scarier than just about anything. But, Mono! Ugh!! I hope he'll bounce right back and not be in for a long haul with it. Good luck finding suitably quiet activities for him, LOL.

I'm certainly hoping you don't have to worry about flooding from Dennis, with everything else you have going on. Don't forget to be sweet to yourself a little while you're taking care of your little guy -- we can't have you both down & out! Wishing you luck, indeed, and saying a few prayers as well.

Dillonvale, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks critterologist :)
Might start a new thread over on the weather forum about it.. not sure yet. We'll get through as long as the hillside behind the house doesn't slide. last year we flooded 2x in 11 days, and my 8 yr old was VERY ill, brain surgery 2 days after first flood, bacterial meningitis the day of the 2nd. I made it throught that (BARELY sane LOL) so I'm not really worried, just want to be prepared. Got to fill up gallon jugs in case power goes out, stuff like that (we are rural have a well so no power no water)

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

It's good to know I'm not alone in my in store

The espon salt is good for about any plant that is watered alot. According to what I've read the watering leaches out magnesium & calcium so using it in small doses helps. You do have to remember that it is a "salt" and too much of a good thing is BAD . The Superthrive is pretty good and I use it on anything that looks like it needs a boost.

The Schefflera plant probable will make a slow comeback they are pretty hardy but they hate cold.
Sounds like you did the right thing by transplanting it. I'd stick them both out side in the shade for the heat and then bring them in for the winter.

Janis so sorry the lil darling has such a nasty bug! It sound like it has been a real challenge for the 2 of you
Hang in there . Sending lots of prayers.

Now I gotta get some work


Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

Hey Janis,
How is your baby doing? I hope he's better and that you've gotten some rest from it all.

Where do you buy the SuperThrive and how do you use that and the Epsom salts? Do you use them just on house plants? I'm learning more things from you guys than I ever thought I would in a million years.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Hiya 1GG,
I get my SuperThrive at Lowe's or Home Depot.
It's kinda expensive ($6-7 a bottle) when you first look at it but it only takes a drop or two for our AV plants per gallon of water , so it will last

The epson salts is just the regular stuff you get at the drug store . I use a 1/4 tsp to a gallon of water for a spray/mister bottle. I also use it about once every month or so as a fertilizer. It is magnesium sulfate and plants that are watered a lot loose it. One thing you have to remember is that it is in a salt form and salts build up and can harm tender roots.
This is my general routine. I alternate by fertilizing with my regular fertilizer, the next week or so I flush the pot with water,then next week I water with my epson salt solution, then flush and then fertilize with my regular fertilizer etc,. That's as basic as I can get but there are a few websites that probable explain it better than I can.
I had used it on my rosebushes and angel's trumpets long before I tried it on my AV's . I had a tray full of nice AV babies but they were just kinda sitting there, not really growing or dieing just sitting there. So I was reading up trying to find out what was up,and I found an article on Orchids and they recommended it for orchids so I said what the heck... I tell ya those lil darlings just about jumped out of the pot in what seemed like overnight. The new growth was amazing.

Anyway, it works for me and what I tell anybody that tries something new is to test it on one or two plants ....everyones water and soil content are different so it may not be that great but it sure works for me.


Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

OK, thanks, something else new to try. You are an amazing source of information.

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