Help with new Brugs/Dats

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Hello everyone,
I just ordered the "Angel Trumpet" collection from Royal Dutch Gardens. The collection was listed as "Angel Trumpets", but the latin description stated (Datura). The collection contained the Double Lavender, the yellow, the white and the pink. When they arrived, the double lavender looked like a Datura, but the yellow, white and pink resembled Brugmansia; the cuttings were very woody.

Now on to my question -- The yellow, white and double lavender are showing vertical growth, the pink does not show any vertical growth, but is producing new leaves every day. Is this normal for this variety, or should I fertilize it? If it needs fed, what type of fertilizer should I use, and at what concentration? I am new to brugs and dats, and would love any help and information that anyone here at Dave's can provide. Thank you in advance!


P.S. I will post pics as soon as possible.

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is the Yellow

Thumbnail by kc8lcw
Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is the White

Thumbnail by kc8lcw
Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Here is the Double Lavender

Thumbnail by kc8lcw
Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

And, here is the RUNT Pink one

Thumbnail by kc8lcw
Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

The soil is not as dry as it looks in the photos, it's because the sun was glaring on the soil. When I was mixing the potting soil and potting mix, I added a small amount of water crystals to the mix to help preserve water and lengthen the time between waterings. My pots are also very well drained.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

dats dont like soggy feet so make sure they arent to soggy do to preserving water.

second my dats are in part sun part shade. dont like full sun.

if you want to feed it a water soluble from miracle grow is good. do not pour the fert on the plant make sure you only get it on soil. at that age fert will burn them. once a week should be fine. if the pink is a brug then 2 times a week is good once it starts growing.

watch for spider mites too!!! insecticial soap is good for that.

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks for your help. I fertilized the plants once so far, and I'll tell ya, they just loved it! Amazing new growth, but the pink is still runty! It has produced many new leaves, but still no vertical growth! I don't know if it's something I am not doing right, or if the plant is just stubborn! I will keep you posted after a few more feedings.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Dave, I found here in OH that I fert. once every week for my Brugs and Dats. Keep us posted and let us know how they turn out!

picture of Datura in pot and to left is a Brugmansia, this is the stage mine are at right now here just north of you.

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

I only wish mine were that big! When did you plant them? Mine were planted about two or three weeks ago. I have fertilized twice so far, and they seem to love the miracle gro, but the pink is still being shy. I'll take some new pics and post them when the sun comes up! Can you give me any hints on overwintering the brugs? Do I need to keep them watered during the winter months when they are brought inside, or do I just let them go dormant and ignore them until next spring? Should I wait another season before I try to take cuttings for my neighbor? I heard not to take a cutting from the top of the plant, but from the outward growth; is this correct? I really don't want to lose (kill) my new brugs! I am sorry for all the questions, but I am sincerely new to these wonderful and most beautiful plants.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

please dont get confused here. Daturas are grown and take different requirements then brugmansias. Brugs will come back each year but most daturas wont.

i try to take mine( brugs) in to the greenhouse every year. the dats will produce seed and come back from seeds. most daturas dont come back but some do. i have sucessfully over wintered dats( white) in a heated envoirment.

with the brug being so little you might want to over winter it inside. water it when needed but if stalk dies off naturally then dont water till spring. the brugmansia forum has a wonderful array of answers.

dont take cuttings from brugs until they flower. if you do it will take forever for them to flower.

YOU will have plenty of seeds from the daturas once they flower to share with your neighbor.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Dave, in that collection, the purple/white is DATURA, the yellow, pink and white plants are BRUGMANSIA. Just so you know which is which, and yes the Datura will perform differently than the Brugs. Datura will produce a prickly seed pod this fall, you would collect those seeds to start again next spring (or place the seeds directly on ground where you want them next year, winter sowing, mother nature will take care of the rest), the Brugs, you will have to bring those inside into a garage, basement, closet, etc. over the winter so they don't freeze, they will become mush if left outside. They do die back to the root, but will easily shoot up again in spring or whenever you bring them out of their dormancy.

If you have any other questions, feel free to drop into the Brugmansia forum and ask questions, so many wonderful people would be able to help.

Glad to have met you, if you need further help just ask!!!

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