Worm bin plan

Graham, NC(Zone 8a)

Here is a link I found while I was looking for wooden worm bin plans:

Dry Ridge, KY(Zone 6a)

I made one using the same kind of container but from these directions. http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/verm/msg0413312414926.html I put 1/2 lb of redworms in it early this year and it is about 3/4 full. I plant to harvest the vermicompost and divide the critters between two bins this fall. It is amazing how quickly they can eat. I keep it in the basement where it never gets above 70 in the summer and runs about 55 in the winter. It was still quite cool when I set it up so I used a small aquarium heater in a jar of water. Not sure I needed to but I wanted to give them a good start. I doubt I'll use it this year. Photos can be found here http://www.kerrysgarden.us/?p=32

Graham, NC(Zone 8a)


I liked the idea about the heater. I was wondering how to keep my worm bin warm this winter. Thanks:)


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