Bring out your pinks

San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Pink verbena

Thumbnail by minigrannie
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Pink petunia before it died. LOL

Thumbnail by minigrannie
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

A pink double petunia

Thumbnail by minigrannie
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Pink Pewter lamium and double pink impatiens

This message was edited Jul 9, 2005 11:09 AM

Thumbnail by minigrannie
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Pink pandorea vine

Thumbnail by minigrannie
San Antonio, TX(Zone 9a)

Hot pink dipladenia with dwarf pale pink crape myrtle behind

Thumbnail by minigrannie
Harlem, GA(Zone 8a)

Minigrannie, they are lovely pictures! ALL of them are :-)

What a great display of pinks! I'm enjoying this thread Mary, so much!



Let there BE P I N K......
Everyones garden and pink flowers look so beautiful.
This is an enjoyable thread.
Thanks Mary.

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Pink Waterliles

Thumbnail by Moodene
(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)

Pink Hibiscus

Thumbnail by Moodene
Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Did someone say PINK
You need sunglasses to look at this Tigridia

Thumbnail by PotEmUp
Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Not famous for it's flowers - Little Brother Montgomery offers gorgeous little blooms.

Thumbnail by PotEmUp

I have some pink to contribute....
Some pink Dahlia

Thumbnail by

The pink Dahlia and Pink Brug

Thumbnail by

And Malva Fastigiata.

Thumbnail by
High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Everyone's Hibiscus are so lovely, I wanted to post this pic. She may not qualify since she is inly partially pink, but certainly worth looking at!

Thumbnail by tombaak
Zion, IL(Zone 5a)

Look up dainty and you'll probably find a cosmos. Kind of a specimen plant from seeds gathered when my DS passed.

Thumbnail by 8ftbed
Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Hibiscus (Hibiscuses?) (Hibisci?)

Thumbnail by PotEmUp
Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)


Thumbnail by PotEmUp

Pink in a flush

Thumbnail by
Moscow, TN(Zone 7a)

Wow I am impressed this is going to be a tough one.

Fremont, CA(Zone 9a)

Just too many to chose from. My friend in the middle is trying to help me pick the best.

Thumbnail by PotEmUp
Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Pink Beauty with gardenias

Thumbnail by MaryinLa
Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Susanne in full flush

Thumbnail by MaryinLa
Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)


Thumbnail by MaryinLa
Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Princess Di Rose

Thumbnail by MaryinLa
Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Another Princess Di rose

Thumbnail by MaryinLa
Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Tree frog napping in a curcuma flower

Thumbnail by MaryinLa
Marshfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Susie brug Doll

Thumbnail by MaryinLa
High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Just one more...

Hmmm, that is usually what i say at the nursery too.

Epiphyllum, or Orchid Cactus.

Thumbnail by tombaak
Ozark, AL(Zone 8b)

Wow such a lot of pretty pink stuff!!! I'll see what I can find...

Pink Beauty (right) and Rosebelle (Left).

Thumbnail by lagata2
Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Goodness, my head is spinning!!! How is anyone going to decide on 'the winner'??? I would vote for all of them. Beautiful and lovely blooms everyone!

Ozark, AL(Zone 8b)

Ecuador Pink

Thumbnail by lagata2
Ozark, AL(Zone 8b)

Bonnie Jean

Thumbnail by lagata2
Knoxville, TN

What is a pepto pink garden without at least a pair of these pinkies?

Thumbnail by meltn
Knoxville, TN

Here is one of my Cat orchids that just bloomed.

Thumbnail by meltn

Now that beats all Melanie. They are just Fantastic!!! Did you make them? I just have tooooooooo have a pair.

Knoxville, TN

Kin, you do need a pair! I am afraid I did not make those. I found them in the ABC catalog last winter and could not resist!

I am adding one more pink flower to the mix. This is a Hoya cv. minibelle.

Knoxville, TN

Whoops, I'll try again.

Thumbnail by meltn
Knoxville, TN

Mary, I just noticed your Susie brug doll! How cute! She told me she once had long hair and there is the proof! How creative!!!!

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