Indian HAwthorne bush - need help


Last fall planted 3 of them; saw some lovlies in Raleigh NC, a little more temperate there than here. Wet fall and winter; they mostly defoliated, but have struggled to come back with a light leaf appearance. (Dry summer, here) They need HELP! Any advice?

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

Indian Hawthorns do very well here in my climate, hot and dry. We have cool, wet winters, but as long as I plant them slightly "high" (on a low mound for instance) they do fine. One problem with humid climates is that like Crepe Myrtles, they can mildew. You may want to ask your U.C. Extension agent or your local retail nurseryman for the hybrids that work best for your area. They will have a list, and helpful hints for culture for you.



Thanks for your response - This was an unfamiliar choice; I'm familiar with most of the good selections for Richmond's zone 7b, and this had not been shown a success here or anywhere below 8a.Still, I want to see it thrive this summer.

Modesto, CA(Zone 8b)

I'm sure it will. I visited Raleigh, NC (7a), and Summerville, SC (8a), last week and saw Indian Hawthorns in both places, so if you find out which ones work best you should be fine.


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