
Shavertown, PA(Zone 5a)

How do you trim Viburnum shrubs? The landscaper put several in my garden about two years ago and they are at the point of needing trimming because they have gotten so big they are hiding the other shrubs around them. They have already bloomed for this year. Do I wait until fall, spring, or do it now. Do I trim each branch individually or shear like a tree? HELP

Most viburnums bloom on old wood, in other words, they are forming their flower buds now for bloom next spring. The best time to prune shrubs that bloom on old wood is during bloom or IMMEDIATELY thereafter. If you don't mind sacrificing a few blooms then by all means go ahead and prune. I never recommend shearing shrubs (with the exception of hedges) unless you want that beachball effect which is both unnatural to the plant and not very attractive looking. Selective pruning with a good pair of pruning shears will work best. Cut out long overgrown branches close to the base of of solid trunk. By doing this as opposed to shearing, you'll maintain a natural look and you'll encourage the plant to make new growth from the base of the plant which will make for a denser plant.

Shavertown, PA(Zone 5a)


Thanks for the information. I guess I missed the boat for pruning right after bloom. I check them though and maybe I'll do a small trim this year and a bigger one next year. Thanks, again.

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