Pumpkin Problem

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

I am growing pumpkins for the first time this year and have beautiful vines and tons of flowers but not one pumpkin. Since we haven't had rain in a month, I keep my entire veggie garden watered. It gets great sun from about 1pm to 7pm. I have gourds growing in other location in my yard and they have fruit. Also, everything else in my garden is doing fine. My cucs and tomatoes are loaded so I know there are bees around spreading the wealth. I read in one of the threads that compost /maure is good and I put chicken poop down in the spreing. Does anyone have any ideas?


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Do your plants have both female and male flowers? The males have long thin stems and usually outnumber the females by a sizeable ratio. The female blossoms are on a shorter stem with a small bulb at the base of the flower, much the same way as your gourd plants did. The male flowers usually come first; if the female blossoms don't appear soon you can experiment with a technique I use for zucchini. One one plant, try cutting off the end of a vine! I know, it seems radical, but it appears to remind the plant that its main purpose is to reproduce itself. Female flowers appear within a week on zucchini. Here is a good reference on growing pumpkins: http://pumpkinnook.com Good luck!

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks Yuska! I'm going to have a talk with them tonight and if they don't start producing some females, I'll chop off their ends! :) Thanks for the great website!

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