Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

What is Cricket?
You have two sides; one out in the field and one in. Each man that is in the side that's in goes out when he is out. He comes in and the next man goes in until he's out. When they are all out, the side that's out comes in. And the side that's been in goes out and tries to get those coming in out. Sometimes you get men still in and not out. When both sides have been in and out including the not outs, that's the end of the match.

That is the inscription displayed at Durban's Kingsmead Oval Centenary Museum --- for the tourist who wants to know what cricket is all about.

It sounds as if nothing is revealed, but it is so beautifully coined that it gives the entire jist of the game!

I'm new to this forum. Since Cricket and Britain go together, I thought of posting it here so that others interested in the game would enjoy this beautiful paragraph.

Dinu from India

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Thankyou so much for posting this. My father used to quote this from time to time, but I'd forgotten how it went. I can't say it helped me get the jist of cricket I'm afraid, but I guess I'm a hopeless case!
Welcome to this forum by the way. I'm quite new here myself, but we need more contributors. Have you ever visited Europe? What do you grow in your garden in India?

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Nice to meet you and nice to know about your 'interest in cricket'! That explains why cricket is played - the purpose, does it not? Am a cricketer myself, active in local league cricket in the first division - a medium pacer. I think Spain also is participating in the ICC championship.

No, I have not left India till now. The Indian Grand Master Vishwanathan Anand lives in Spain - I understand. I have in my garden, mostly ornamentals. If you visit my homepage you will get some idea.


oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Great home page you have Dinu ! Your house and garden look lovely. I loved the evocative descriptions of Mysore too- sounds like a magical place. I'm not sure about the Grand master you mention, but I'll ask some friends who may know more. Although I'm English, I'm afraid I don't follow cricket, much to my father's disgust, of course. My husband is Basque ( from the Basque Country in northern Spain) and my father always tries to explain cricket to him when we visit. I'm afraid my husband dreads it, as he doesn't understand anything! I must show him your description!

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

You would do well to show those few lines to your Spanish husband and see how he gets more confused!! Leave him alone - things learnt by force will not stay in the mind!

Oh yes, Mysore is [read WAS] a fantastic place to visit or stay. It has always attracted tourists from all over the world for its special charm. Visit and behold! Mysore of yore was as lovely a place as one could imagine. Population, pollution.... they call it development ..... have all contributed to dilute the beauty that it once was famous for. Yet, it is still comparable to other cities and it is a lot better in many aspects. Since our family is here for 4 generations, I have seen myself how the situation has worsened. It affects the peace-loving people the most. I'm no exception.

The GrandMaster I told was famous for his Chess. I forgot to mention it. He is the World Champion. Lately made Spain one of his homes.

About 2 decades ago, radio listening was my main hobby and I used to listen to Spanish Radio in the mornings sometimes. In their "Learn Spanish" programmes , they used to add that Spanish is something like 'sweet-sounding' -have forgot the exact phrase.

Thanks for the appreciation of the homepage. I thought of giving more information there since I'm from "half way round the earth" [my favourite expression - as most are from the USA].

About the house, I have described in some other thread in detail.


oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

Ahh- a chess Grand Master! I was thinking something more mystic...probably explains why my more 'esoteric' friends had never heard of him!! I'm afraid what you describe as happening to Mysore has happened to large areas of coastal Spain. Luckily for us, Northern Spain hasn't been nearly so badly affected - yet!

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