hardneck garlic

Delaware, OH

I planted cloves of hardneck garlic this year and they have become tall looping plants. How do I know when they are ready to harvest? Can anyone give me advice on drying it both for use during the year and for planting for next year?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

When the leaves yellow and wilt that is usually a good time to dig them. When you see them in that stage lay off on the watering for a week or so before you dig. You can "field dry" them if you like, i.e., lay them on the ground in a row with the tops of one plant covering the bulbs of the one next to it. If there is rain in the forecast you can dry them under a shelter (I used a shelf with screen on it so it is nice and airy). Some folks will simply bundle so many plants together and hang them up to cure in an airy place, also free from rain.

As for planting them later, just use the ones you didn't eat! The drying techniques are the same. Enjoy!

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