getting ate up

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

can someone tell me what i can put on my purple hull peas and my speckale butter beans to keep the bugs off. they are eating my plants up, sucking everything out of peas.i have quiet a few different things ,but want something that i still can pick veggs in a little while and want hurt you,
thanks far a quick answer ahead of time

Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

You are growing peas in Florida now? I'm in Georgia, and mine have gone by from heat at least three weeks ago.

As for "safe" materials, I use pyrethrins in a pinch (usually when I get an attack of flea beetles), but in general you should hit the bugs with the srpay for best results. There isn't much residual - which is why it is safe to use and then still pick your veggies soon after (see label for wait periods - I think most are only 1 day).

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

hi night bloom
yes im on my second crop ,got quite a few first go around now there started again,got lots of peas on there can,t wait to pick again,
even my speckael butter beans is starting up gain heres some pictures thanks far infoe

Thumbnail by starfly
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

heres my butterbeans

Thumbnail by starfly
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

heres peas and butter beans peas on left
we have had so much rain here and it haden,t been really that hot i guess

Thumbnail by starfly
Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

Ah, okay. So your "peas" aren't really the peas I was thinking of? That would make more sense. When I saw "peas", I thought they were maybe a special form of actual peas (I have purple bush beans, but they are really just purple colored string beans).

My "peas" that were gone a while ago were my snow peas and sugar snap peas. I still have my string beans (though with our wet weather here this year and the red clay soil, they will likely succumb to disease sooner rather than later, despite my spraying them once or twice for fungus and disease).

What are purple hull peas like? How are they eaten?

I'm always looking for new things - the Chinese cucumbers and yard long beans^ I tried have now become a normal part of my garden. I will admit though that my garden space is very limited, so tough to grow things (I can't for the life of me grow carrots, for example) usually get left by the wayside along with the "bug magnets" (cough*brussels sprouts*cough).

^(better than string beans in my book - no strings and they can be stir fried.)

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

night bloom
purple hulls are sooooo good,there something like a black eye pea but taste so much better.when they start out there green then they go purple and white stripes them solid purple, now thats the skin, the pea is white with a purple eye and when you cook them the juice is a little dark, with a pone of corn bread you have a great meal. I had kenturkey pole beans, i finally got tired of them so i pulled them up. the bugs got so bad guess it was from all the rain
is snow peas and sugar snap peas anything like a inglis pea? little round green pea.send me your address if you want and i will send you some purple hull peas seeds.there the best peas i know of.
now what is yard long beans? i can,t get brussel sprout are carrots are cauliflower to grow ,but one year i had 92 collord plants everyone in country had collords to eat, im haveing trouble with nimetoeds in the dirt.heres a picture of peas

Thumbnail by starfly
Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

Snow peas and sugar snap peas are two different kinds of peas where you eat the whole pod as well as the peas inside. The difference is that with snow peas, you should eat them before the peas really start swelling - when the pods are mostly flat. Sugar snap peas can be eaten when the peas are a little bigger and the pod itself is thicker than that of snow peas, but they are generally sweeter. With these, too, you eat both the peas and the pod - I usually use them in stir fry or raw in salads, tuna-macaroni salads, or my hubby just goes out and snacks on them right off the vine. I'd provide a picture, but they have all gone by. They are a "cool-season" crop. I plant them as early as the end of February/early March here. They need cool soil to emerge and can even take a frost or two or three.

Yard long beans are a kind of Chinese green bean. They grow very long and thin and can be used in stir fries rather than having to boil them. As you can see from the ones in this picture, they aren't really a yard long (each tile is twelve inches), especially not this time of year. Earlier in the year though, they can get as long as the Chinese cucumber above the yard stick. The best time to eat the beans is when they are about 12 - 18 inches. I cut them into setcions and stir fry them, cook them with my long grain and brown rice, or in soup The cucumbers too also usually end up in stir fries, cooked with rice, or in soup. Even though I grew up in New England (I miss the seafood most; they can keep the weather) - I enjoy Oriental style cooking - I make stir fries a lot. The veggies I use just change depending on the season.

I'll keep my eye out for purple hull peas. I'll mark this thread, and if I can't find any for this area/climate, I'll send you an e-mail with my address for a few.

Thumbnail by Night_Bloom
Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

thoese sounds good will check them out,i love stir fry. thanks for info

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

nightbloom, i havent grown any peas yet, but a couple of years ago i found purple hull peas (bushs) canned in the store. they are really good! then all of a sudden i couldnt find them anymore. im gonna see if our store here sells them. i had forgotten about them. debi

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