New Finds...

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's 2 new plants I found at a local HD store.
They were so pretty I couldn't pass them by.

Does anyone else grow florist type gloxinia's?

One is a beautiful red velvet color the other is rich purple. The leaves looked so healthy on these and nicely grown. I sprayed them with "bug spray" and treated with granules for gnats. I'm hoping for the best. They have their own stand

Whatcha think?


Thumbnail by MsCritterkeeper
The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Here's a big picture of the whole red plant.

I think it has a leaf circumference of about 2 ft!!!
It was in very good shape and I was surprised because the ones I see are always torn and yellow looking.


Thumbnail by MsCritterkeeper
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

wow what beauties MsC

Aurora, TX(Zone 8a)

Wow...........lovely, MsC! I've yet to come up w/the nerve for glox's. =/ Av's are the only genus in the gesneriad family that likes me......=(

=) MKJ

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

Those are gorgeous! The ones at my hd are always ratty looking. What kind of conditions do they like?

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks! I couldn't resist these tow because thy were so pretty. The blooms colors are sooo rich my pictures don't do them much justice I'm afraid.

They like pretty much the same conditions as AV's.
But they apparently like a lot more heat and humidity,because when I brought them in the house the leaves were more relaxed and now they are puckered up.??? It looks like they may have seed pods forming on them so if they do I'l save some to share. If not I think Keyring saysa they can be propagated by a leaf section??

Oh yeah your lil package is on it's way this morning.
I hope everything makes it in good shape due to the heat. If something fails I can resend them later when it cools off some.


Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

I had no idea they were even related to AVs, that's my new knowledge for the day!!
I wonder, do they come true to seed? Do av's?

I'm excited about the package!! Yours is ready to go out as soon as I get it. Thank youu!!

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

I don't think these will come true from seeds unless I hand pollinate them-which I can try!
Sometimes you can get something prettier than what you have from seeds so ya just gotta go for it.

I have a death touch with seeds so I'm not counting my plants before they sprout but if it does set seeds I will gladly share with those who have the touch!

AV's from seeds seem pretty much easy but who knows what you will get- anything but fungus would tickle me .lol

Sitting in the package they will do nothing I go to make a plan.

Enjoy the package!


DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

These Sinningias aka Florist's Gloxinias are heavily hybridized forms of Sinningia speciosa. Natural forms of speciosa have slipper shaped flowers, but the florist's gloxes are a peloric form - instead of having one lip on the bottom, there are lips all around.

I've grown a few from seed, but because they get big, I never keep them after the first flowering. They will not grow true from seed, even if you self it - but, most of the children will probably look very similar to the parent.

From my limited experience growing them, I agree with MsC that they like heat better than AVs. I don't think they need a lot of humidity, though. They seem to take a little more sun and like to dry out a little bit more than AVs between waterings, although if you let them go as dry as a strep, the buds will blast.

They are easy to grow from seed and will flower in a little over 6 months. I'm not sure, however, if all the hybrids have fertile seeds, so if they don't germinate, blame the seeds!

As for other methods of propagation, yes, they can be started from crown or leaf cuttings. They will spend the first 6 months or so forming the tuber so you won't see much above-ground activity.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Keyring for all the info... I just can not pass up anything at the plant stores these
The AV's they had were pretty picked over but i did get a few interesting ones.

The gloxinia's leaf texture is so fuzzy and the flowers are so big. I had no idea how pretty they were until I saw these.
They won't look this good very long but I figured they would be pretty for a little while.

Something different to try not to kill at any rate! :)

DC metro, VA(Zone 7b)

I just can not pass up anything at the plant stores these

Don't we all have this problem.

Just got back from the farmer's market, where I went to pick up some orchid potting supplies. Left there with 0 fruit, 0 veggies, and 2 orchids.

Then decided to swing by the local county park for a walk before going in to the office to wrap up a few things. They have a little area where they sell their extra plants for nice prices. So now, of course, I had to come home to do some planting. Work will come later......

Fruitport, MI(Zone 5a)

I have tried to grow gloxinia several times. I have killed plants and others I have just given up on. I now have 2 plants that have just come out of dormancy but are very leggy. I have had them in different places in the house but haven't had a good looking plant yet! My grandmother had these when I was a child and they flowered non-stop. They were is a cool porch with no direct sun. I wish had learned you to properly care for them back then. Someone told me that they just place an ice cube in the pot to water them. Has anyone tried this? Can anyone help me with growing tips?

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

there was a recent thread on this,

Fruitport, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks critter. That's a big help. I'm going to repot mine and move it to a different location.

The Heart of Texas, TX(Zone 8b)

Be sure and let us know what sucess you have...mine are dust... Oh well guess I can't grow everything...
good luck with them!


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