Pruning clematis

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

I have an overgrown "Montana" clematis and it is really getting out of hand. I am one of those who do not like to cut back anything, even when I know it should be done. However, I am uncertain about pruning a clematis. This one was beautiful this spring, but is now taking over the crepe myrtle it is climbing all over. Can some one help me? Thanking you in advance.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

I can't offer any advice about pruning sorry...... but if you do get around to pruning it back do you think you might be willing to offer up some of the cuttings for SASE ?? I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one interested in possibly trying to get a cutting or two to root.

Just a thought.

Good luck with the pruning..... I'm not good at cutting back either, just seems painful. The whole time I can hear the little voice in my head saying you know you don't know what you're doing and it's never going to recover and then you'll have to start all


(Zone 4a)

Clematis montana blooms on old wood, so
I assume you should prune it after it blooms.

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Here you go:

"Early-flowering species clematis (such as Clematis montana, C. macropetala and C. alpina)

Clematis macropetala

These plants flower on growth produced the previous year and, if needed, are just given a light pruning to remove spent flowers immediately after flowering.

Old, woody plants can be pruned very hard - down to a couple of feet if necessary, preferably to just above some strong, healthy growth - after flowering to remove lots of the old, non-flowering growth. Plants may take a year or so to fully recover and start flowering properly again."

Good luck!

Concord, NH(Zone 5a)

If and when you prune it, would love a cutting or two.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Hard pruning sounds sooooooooo I have to work myself up to stuff like that. This past winter I changed out the turn signals on my motorcycle and had to of course cut all the wiring and re-wire..... it was along the same lines. The whole inner battle.....don't cut, don't cut....omg you cut the

Good luck with the pruning, I'm sure it won't be that bad..... just will take some getting use to is all.

~Julie =0)

Laurel, MD(Zone 7a)

Thank you all for the input on pruning. I may not have as many flowers next year but I do plan to prune it in a few days.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

IF you decide to prune SEVERELY you could start way back on one branch and then you're committed to removing it, instead of starting at the end and working your way back. A glass of wine might help you, not the plant.

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