Mendy's dahlias

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I'm starting to think I should have titled this thread "Mystery Dahlias!" I did such a good job of labeling everything and keeping this in order, just to have the cats wreak havok on all my hard work.

I posted a pic above that, at first, I thought was Brian Ray, and then I labeled it as Clint's Climax. Well, the real Clint's Climax is now open.

Thumbnail by mgh
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by mgh
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I love this one! Hissy Fitz

Thumbnail by mgh
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Purple Imp

Thumbnail by mgh
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Nicky K

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Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by mgh
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)


Thumbnail by mgh
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

Great photos and flowers, Mendy.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Yeah, Mendy,
Great pictures. Am jealous. You seem to get better pics than I do! But guess it is because yours are so close together, hehe.
But you do have different ones than me so it is interesting to see the new ones.
I like that Ripples and Purple Imp. I think I have Purple Imp so am going to compare the pictures.

Eugene, OR

Mendy, The dahlias are beautiful. Mine are starting to bloom now, but, like Carol's, they are getting sunburned pretty bad. I'll try to take some pics this evening. Your Nicki K seems to be fuller than mine. Mine almost looks like a collarette.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey Chad! I wondered where you'd been lately. When you say they are getting sunburned, do you mean the leaves or the flowers? A lot of the leaves on mine are getting crispy....figured that was sunburn?

Can't wait to see pics of yours!

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

The petals of the flowers turn brown on their edges. Starting on the outside working its way toward the center.
Not the leaves. How often are you watering? I am watering almost everyday now since it has been so warm.

Yes, Chad, we need to see some pics.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the explanation, Carol. Mine are doing the same thing. They don't even get all the way open before they start to turn brown. I have been watering almost everyday....miss a day here and there though.

Eugene, OR

Carol and Mendy, Mine are doing the same thing as both of yours too. It must be the unbearable heat we've had the last several days. I water every day and I have a soaker hose going on the dahlias along the fence. Sorry I missed taking the pics tonight but I've run into a problem with one of the projects I told you about and I have to figure it out or lose a lot of money on the zericote wood, not to mention the beauty of the wood itself. I'll try again tomorrow evening because the light is better than in the morning. Hopefully it won't be windy like tonight.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Chad, I understand about the wind. I have to get up early to take pictures but even then the light isn't right. When I get home from work, it usually is too windy to click a pic, so...
Soaker hoses sound good for the ones by the fence.
Hope you get your woodworking job done ok.

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Hi Carol, Dorothie and all the others.
Here i am to snif around in the dahlia gardens........ :)
I posted pics of my dahlias on IM, why don't you post them here in your thread.
As you know i can't post pics from work.LOL

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi, John, long time, no hear!
Good to hear from you.
Am glad you are "sniffing" around in the dahlia gardens.
Didn't Mendy send some dahlia tubers to you? Are they growing? Would love to see your pics.

Moerkerke_Damme, Belgium(Zone 7b)

Hi Carol
Yes she did (a whole box full,LOL)and some almost start to bloom. My pics are on my other computer at home. I will post when i'm finished planting all the irisses i ordered when i was in OR. Didn knew i ordered so many,LOL
I still work late shifts too and at work (when spare moments)i can reply sometimes at DG's.
Mendy got my pics of dahlias i bought before i came to the US and those are in full bloom now. I think she will post them when she's back.
I'm really curious to see the dahlias from your garden too Carol. Dont you have a digital cam?
They were so big already when i was in your garden, think they are almost finished blooming by this time now, though.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Hi guys, I'm back. Did you miss me? LOL Glad to see you stopping by, John. After camping for 4 days, I am exhausted and I need a nice warm shower! I will post your pics for you, but it will have to be tomorrow.....unless you get to it first. ;-) Feel free to post them here if you want.

Albany, OR(Zone 8a)

Hey, John,

You can see my pic. of my dahlias on my thread in the Dahlia Forum. Look at the Dahlia Forum and you will see "Carol's Dahlias". I don't know how to do the link here yet.

Oh, no, John. They are still in full swing. The dahlias that I left in the ground over winter are blooming full board, tho with the tempatures lately, they are taking a toll with the heat. The dahlias that I got like from Mendy and other people this spring are have been blooming for a bit and still have a lot that haven't bloomed yet. So is kind of exciting to see what they look like.

Hi, Mendy, four days camping with those kids! Oh, my, I remember those days and the laundry afterwards, lol! You had great weather to camp, so hope you had fun. I just got back from Seattle with my older son and his girlfriend. He wanted to show her Seattle and also to see my family in Bellingham plus go wakeboarding. Had a good time up there but short time.
Will post more of my pics when I get them taken.
Later all,

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Yea! We got a new camera so now I can post some pics!

This is Inflamation.

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Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Velda Inez

Thumbnail by mgh
Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)

hiya mendy,

I often feel

Your dahlias are gorgeous!

congrats on a marvellous year of flowers.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

This is a bad pic....I'm still learning my new digicam.

Rothsay Superb

Thumbnail by mgh
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks Don! I often feel that way too! LOL

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Chilson's Pride was really showing off today, so I just have to post this one again. I think it's one of my all time favorites.

Edited to say: Wish I'd thought to deadhead first! LOL

This message was edited Sep 15, 2005 7:39 PM

Thumbnail by mgh
Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

I have this one labeled it as Gold Ball, but I'm not sure if that is right. Anyone out there have a pic of Gold Ball?

Thumbnail by mgh
Mount Angel, OR(Zone 8a)

It does look like Gold Ball, Mendy.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Joann. I kept thinking Gold Ball would be more of a yellow ball shape....this is much prettier than I thought it would be. :-)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Beauties Mendy! I particularly love Gonzo Grape and Pooh. And Wickey Woo! I tried that two years ago and lost it to rot.

Do you find that Velda Inez has short stems? Is it what I call a bedding dahlia, just to walk by and not necessarily for cutting, or was it just my short plant? It got to be two feet or less tall.

I would love to see a photo of WaterColors more open if you have one- looks divine.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Thanks Annie. I love Pooh and Whickey Woo also. I don't have anymore pics of Watercolors because I thought it and Pooh, and Gay Princess had a virus, so I threw them out. Found out later it was just a mineral deficiancy....oh well, live and learn.

Yes, Velda Inez is very short and has very short stems. I thought it might be because I got it in the ground so late, but I think it is supposed to be short anyway. I really love the colors in it though. Next year I am going to put it in the border of one of the beds against the house instead of the "big" dahlia bed. ;-)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

You WHAT? You WHAT? Mendy, place your hand on the desk or table palm down,fingers outstretched. Now take a ruler and give that bad dahlia-tossing appendage a firm whack !

I'm sure your intentions were good to keep your garden virus free, but bummer. I can reserve a Gay Princess for you, if you like. I actually read somewhere recently that it is likely viruses in some form are harbored in nearly all dahlias, some destructive and others benign.

Did you at least have a little memorial for Wickey Woo and the others?

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

LOL Annie!! That sounds too painfull and I need my hands to be pain free to finish the new beds I am digging. LOL

No, no memorial.....I tossed them right before I left town for a few days. Wicky Woo wasn't one of them that I tossed....just Gay Princess, Watercolors, and Pooh. Thanks for the offer of Gay Princess, but I'm not sure if I am going to grow it again. To me, it looks a lot like a few of my others.....Chilson's Pride, Sweet Dreams, Pink Gingham.....maybe it's just cuz I have them planted so close together. I did like seeing GP at Swan Island though....soooo beautiful when it isn't next to the others. I'll have to figure out my list of what is going and what is staying. I might have to extend the dahlia bed a little more next year. LOL

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