Roses that seem to bloom through heat

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Betty Boop , is a winner, Blooming her little heart out. And the Abraham Darby is doing famously. I was surprised ,it is a David Austin rose. I thought maybe a cooler temperature rose. My Chrysler Imperial another winner. We desert gardeners can grow Hybrid Teas easier than moister , areas beacause , a lot of these are so succeptable to mildew. I was told by my Aunt from South Carolina , that her father replaces rose bushes constantly due to the fungal deseases, actual loses them every few years. And wont even attempt the Hybrid Teas. So an advantage to being in the desert, thats a switch! David Austin has his American based nursery in Texas that must be for a reason. And if you would like to take a look at their roses here is the link and the catalog is beautiful , a keeper.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

This is good news because I have been wanting to grow some roses. Maybe next year. Make the bed first, then buy the roses!

Santa Barbara, CA

My experiences with roses in the SW: roses love warm heads and cool moist feet. So good bed prep and good mulching program will really help.

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Ahhhhh! Thanks Marshseed, Ill get some more on there! Im sure it needs it.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 17th 1:18 AM

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Gosh, Thanks Sis!Well Ill make a note of it. I will have to wait until Jan. to plant bare root. Did you see the David Austin site? Did you like it? Ive heard of Springhill.I may even have a catalogue around here. I have so many. I have stopped ordering most catalogues, and just viewing the online catalogues. To save paper. I think its appauling, how much junk mail I get, and how it has wasted so many trees. Not to get off the subject.I dont think JP has Randillas. I have ordered a Jumbo, Josephs Coat from Henry Fields. Awesome root stock.(most important in Desert planting to get the roots stock as large as possible) And I have ordered from Wayside Gardens , And I was very happy with them. Are you familiar with them? Here is a link to Wayside.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 17th 1:18 AM

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Have had no problems. I usually view online and call the order in. Safe that way. Yes, we have had the most incredible moon the last week. You can see every star. Isnt it like that in Kansas?

This message was edited Friday, Aug 17th 1:19 AM

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Sounds beautiful Sis! You have created your own little heaven there. How lucky you are. I know what you mean . I never want to go back to L.A. Bakersfield is a big city compared to here. They get lots of people passing thru to Laughlin. You wouldnt recognize Laughlin now .It is like a mini Las Vegas. There a probably 20 hotels on the water now. The Flamingo is my favorite.When I go again maybe next year. I will post a few pictures of it.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 17th 1:20 AM

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Awwwww , I am sorry Sis, to hear that. Vandals. What goes around comes around I say! We all are judged in the end! And I dont want to inspire our creators wrath! Thats too bad. I am so sorry.

This message was edited Friday, Aug 17th 1:21 AM

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Well Betty Boop is STILL Blooming!
She holds the record! It is in at least the lower 30's here at night. Frost on the ground. I am thinking for the desert or High desert, these single hybridized , old or rugosa roses are a winner. I am researching this this next year. These new hybrid singles/ wild type roses have best of all worlds , they rebloom, scent, and hardiness like I have never seen before. I was never partial to the single type rose, I thought they looked like a daisy. My DH picked Betty Boop, and I must admit I have grown very fond of her.She is also self-cleaning the only rose I dont have to dead head.
My other single rose is, Dainty Bess, Pure clear pink with a deep maroon center. She too is still putting out little buds. And I mulched probably 1/2 a foot deep , must help their hardiness. YEP, these single type roses are a winner for desert/xeriscaping .

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Betty Boop is one I'm certainly going to plant this spring! Thanks for sharing, Shellie..


Check out this site.

This the address of the antique rose emporium and they are one of the first to preserve and sell the Old Garden roses. What is most interesting is that their original stock came from old abandoned homesteads and cemetaries in and around texas. Sometimes these roses have lived and flourished for over 100 years without any human intervention. Some of the old roses were not repeat blooming but many were. Hope this helps!

Joshua Tree, CA(Zone 8b)

Thanks Plantman . This sounds interesting!:)

Desert Hot Springs, CA(Zone 10b)

Reviving an old thread here! Add Rosa mutabilis to your list. It is the only rose in my garden that is blooming and blooming well! It's the species rose some call the Butterfly Rose.

This message was edited Wednesday, Jul 3rd 10:23 AM

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Of my roses, Perfect Moment handles the heat the best.

Thumbnail by Kelli
Lindale, TX(Zone 8a)

Great to see this forum revived. David Austin Roses' USA headquarters is Tyler, TX (my home town) and only 15 miles away. They have a great catalog.

Lindale, TX(Zone 8a)

Here is the latest link to the Antique Rose Emporium.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I've found that 'Etoile d'Hollande' likes the sunshine :)

Beautiful deep red large hybrid tea shaped flower and a strong delicious perfume!
Need I say more LOL?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

OOoops it's 'Etoile de Hollande'. I have the climbing version introduced in 1931, but it's not in the PDB so I must look out my photos etc and add it!

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

My climbing Blaze really does well for me with our hot, humid and mostly drought-like Ga. summers. She is mulched very well and I have to say it has lived longer and done better than any rose I have ever had. Her smell "ain't all that" but she makes up for it by blooming her lil head off!!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

If we're braggin on roses all my votes go to J&P's 'Pleasure' a floribunda that blooms heavily spring and fall and repeat really good all summer long. J&P no longer offer this rose - say they've archived it or sumpin' wonder if this means I could have a go at propagating it? I'll look for a pic. perfume is a treat too.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I remember seeing Pleasure in a garden and noting it because it was so lovely - and gorgeous scent Blooms. Would love to see a pic....

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