Constance Elliott

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Loaded with buds

Thumbnail by Tropicman
Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

i'm trying to root 2 cutting of this, any tips?

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

well I have had sucess rooting in water,in a plastic clear glass.setting
in a bucket of water for the extra humidity,also cutting in a 3/4 square wet foam cube,with a little water in the bottom,also in a clear plastic cup.with another one on top for enclosure,extra humidity as well doing it that way.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Man Tropicman, your only 150 miles down the road from me and yet your flowers are always atleast 3-4 weeks ahead of mine everytime. My Consyance Elliot is setting buds now but still a good week + away from a Bloom. I JUST got my 1st Blue Bouquet bloom of the year last weekend. If I hadn't repotted it, it may have bloomed a tad earlier.

Last year or the year before when we were all trading cuttings, I had some tagged as amethyst and amethystina. I can't find either 1 of those guys anywhere! The only one not blooming is obviously a caerulea so I know it C. Elliot.
I'd like to apologize for dropping the ball on sending you everything I said I would. I have tons of valid excuses but I hate all excuses all the same. It sounds like you haven't gotten to the rapid rooter store yet and I don't think you have a tall plastic humidity dome for the trays either. I'm going to give you 1 of the humidity domes I've been using for all my clones and a few rapid rooter cubes to play with. do you have any rooting gel hormone? If not, I'll send a tiny bit of it too. Its the least I can do for all the Passifloras you've given me. Do you have P. Alata yet? I finally got my hands on one from a friend in Texas but it was very long and spindly. It was probably 12 fit tall but in order to fit it in the box, it was FOLDED OVER and that kinked all the vines. I wacked it way back and it's beginning to grow low and tight. I took cuts off the vine I had to remove and I think a few took, they were in bad shape. Do you have it? If not, I'd like to send you one of those too.
I may see if I can pay you to overnight me a BUNCH of tiny, 3 noded cuts wrapped in paper towels in hopes that they will be healthy enough for me to root them. I think that would be my best bet for getting more passies. Please let me know what you think and if there is anything else you could use.
How long ago did you see your first blue bouquet of the seaon?
Just curious. You can post here or just email me if youd like. I'd pay for overnite shipping BTW to get fresh cuts.
Thanks Amigo and I look forward to talking with you again!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Hi Jeff,
you never sent me the hibiscus from the coop either!!
I think the edulis is going to root,have it in soil now and seems to be doing ok,but it's only been a couple of days.
My blue bonnet hasn't bloomed yet,it was always the last one to start blooming.
Yes I have alata,got one from C,from Californy.
Which ones are you wanting cuttings of?

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Heya Buddy.
I apologize for not getting you the box I promised. My paraplegia threw me a huge curve ball that very same week.
I had been running a fever for almost 1 year and all my docs kept telling me I was fine and the fever was probably due to sinusitis. Well I found a crew of docs at Shawnee Mission Med. center wound control center. They did many scans to find 2 chips of bone broken off my tail and sacrum bone and was infected. I have never been so happy to be told I was sick in my life. I thought I was loosing my mind and becoming a hypocondriac. I had to have the bones removed and they shaved off all infected and intact bone. I have no sensation in that area so I had no idea I was hurting there. Hopefully the suture line will heal up soon, its been months now and just won't close up fully as it should have.
Anyhow...I'm not sure what ones you have that I don't. I just recently got my first P. Alata too and cuts of P. Lutea and P. Mexicana(I think thats its name) but they are very tiny. I still don't have amethyst or amethystina nor a Edulis. Do you have anything else new?
I'm going to send you a few rapid rooters and 1 of those plastic humidity domes too so you can try rooting some my way. I have enough domes to spare you one, lord knows you've earned it.
Here is a list of what all i think I have.
P. Alata, Constance Elliot, P. caerulea, Blue Bouquet(or Bonnet as it came from you I think), P. Belotti, Lavender Lady, Incarnata, hardy blue Caerulea, P. Lutea, P. Mexicana.
I think that's the sum of my collection, if you have others I do not...Man I'd love them. I'd like you to try rooting them in rapid rooters as I think its faster and they would have better luck in shipping.
I'll try to get everything out to you on the 5th of July if all goes well. I apologize again for the delay, I should of atleast emailed you but I was in quite the fog.
Thanks buddy, Jeff

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Well glad to hear your back on the road to recovery,I too was down for a while with the heart attack and a 5 by pass,wife had a double by pass and a stroke ,which was at the same time,we were across the aisle from each other in the hospital,nurses would tell on me if I didn't behave myself!!!LOL
Yes I have several vines now,and can send you cuttings,I'm not having the best of luck rooting them,and when I do they seem to croak when put to soil.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

I use a mixture of Superthrive and maxicrop I use whenever I transplant anything. Somehow it makes the transition so easy for the plants, they don't even show the slightest signs of stress by wilting a little. It's truly amazing stuff and 1 bottle of each lasts a very long time. Here is a brief product description on Maxicrop.
Maxicrop Liquid - liter: G

Maxicrop contains more than 60 different minerals, including the nine most important trace elements, in chelated form, which makes them more easily absorbed by plants. The minerals are also in an ideally balanced proportion because Maxicrop is a plant material itself. This is vitally important, as trace minerals used in the wrong proportion can create other deficiencies by locking up other minerals. Also present in Maxicrop is an ample amount of potash.

I often use it for foliar applications too. Over the years I've seen it do miraculous things. I've had some plants go totally limp from dehydration. By spraying the Maxicrop/water solution all over the plant, I'll find it standing upright in minutes like nothing ever happened. I also use it for a presoak on seeds and cuttings. Cuttings can sit in that mixture forever it seems like and you'd never know the cut was removed from its mother by the looks of it.
I wrote up a little cutting primer on this thread and have pictures of many cuttings at various stages from day 1 to a large plant. Take a look at how well these rapid rooters have done for me.
I'll send a few cubes with a humidity dome so you can try this the same way I've been lately, I think your jaw will hit the floor when you see roots in days rather than weeks. And having the roots growing in and out of the cubes, it makes handling them so much easier as they give you a "handle" of sorts and protects many of the roots.
I keep on experimenting on there limitations, meaning I'm trying to find plants that I can't get to root with them. I've yet to find 1! I've even gotten Ficus trees, hardy and tropical hibiscus, Japaneese Maples, Brugs, rose of sharon and every Passiflora I have. Every plant so far has shown roots in 2 weeks or less. I did loose 2 TINY morning glory vine tips put in them but I think those cuts were too small and flimsy to be messing with.
I'm so sorry to hear about you and your wife's troubles. I need to start taking health and diet much more serious now or I'll be in the same boat before I know it if family history follows its course. We will keep you in our prayers.
I'll try to get you a box out this week with all he stuff we've talked about. I can't wait to see what you have to say about these.
Do you have any Maxicrop or superthrive? If not, I'll see if I can find a way to send a little of both so you can experiment with them aswell.
Take care and I'll be in touch.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Yes I have superthrive and have been using it in with the cuttings,really don't see much difference if any.
Where to you get the Maxicrop,would love to try it as well.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

I can only find it at about 1/2 the nurseries we got to. I don't know if Wichita has "Family Tree" nurseries or not but they carry most everything. The Grass Pad does.t have it either. I bet any hydroponics store would have it. I saw it 1 time at Lowe's or home depot but only once. I could probably buy and send you a bottle to try as I'm almost out. We use it EVERY time we plant or transplant anything mixed with Superthrive. That combo is good for countless uses IMO and totally removes any and all transplant shock. I can't say enough about how good this stuff is. Lemme know if you want me to get you some.JD

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

No we don't have any Family Tree nurseries here that I know about,heck go a head and send me a little to try.

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Will do buddy. I think you'll really like the results you'll see especially when combined with superthrive. I'll get a big box full of stuff out to you this week.
Do you have 1 of those plastic humidity domes I was telling you about? Let me know ASAP so I can get you 1 to experiment with.
have a great holiday and take with ya soon.

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

No dome just been using plastic large size drinking cups,

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

I'll give you a dome too them. It makes things much easier when rooting in trays with these cubes. You just can't beat rooting in the trays under domes, you can get 40-50 cuttings rooted in just 1 of those small trays.
I have to go to the nursery to get some more Maxicrop, hopefully tomorrow will allow a nursery run.
Talk with ya soon!

Bushland, TX(Zone 6a)

Thats sounds great,
Thanks Jeff

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

heya Don. I found some more Maxicrop and am mailing you a bottle of it to play with. I think you'll be impressed with itand how you can use it on everything. From seed/bulb soaking, foliar feeding, cutting food/fert., and many others.
I'll get it all to You by the weeks end. I won't drag my feet or space out this time;).

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

JLD_II: Do you use liquid or powder maxicrop? I am checking on the internet to see if I can find some?


Is this like what you use?

This message was edited Jul 6, 2005 5:21 PM

Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

Hello Linda.
Yep thats it exactly. I use the green bottle mostly but I've used the blue bottle that says it has extra iron in it. Its more acidic andsince our tap water has a PH of 8.2-8.5, I thought it might be better. I didn't see any benefits but I'm sure more acid loving plants may preffer it.
I haven't tried the powder form yet but I don't think I'd hesitate using it.
I sure don't understand why a special seaweed with added trace elements etc. and almost no fertilizer value works so well for so many uses but I swear by it. I've done side by side tests with it when planting many annuals this year in the garden and a few passiflora's going from cuttings to pots. There really was a very noticable difference. The transplants with out it would look like most transplants with a little wilting and slowed blooming of existing buds. The plants I used it on planted right there showed no signs of transplant shock or anything at all. The plants would keep there existing flowers and they continued growing. When I was growing indoors in hydroponics, I had plants that would go limp from a clogged dripper. The main stalk of the plant was all that still stood, all leaves were droopy and hanging. I had a spray bottle with Maxicrop in it and sprayed the leaves and roots. Come back 10-15 minutes later and was just floored, the leaves were full and back upright like nothing ever happened.
I sure wished I knew what and why that stuff does what it does, I guess I should just be happy that it works. I've gotten to where I always add a few drops of superthrive everytime I mix it up as I keep them together and I'm usually using it for a anti shock food.
I sure hope it works as well for you guys. Tropicman wil be using it nextweek and I'm dying to hear what he thinks of it.

(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

Thanks JD I am off to see if I can order some.


(Linda) Winfield, KS(Zone 6a)

I just ordered a quart of it for $8.50, shipping was $6.75. Got the green bottle. I hope I didn't get burned to bad.

What do you pay for it in Olathe, or where ever you get it?


Olathe, KS(Zone 6a)

I paid 9$ +tax for a 35 ounce bottle yesterday so you didn't do to bad. I could only find it in Overland Park at Family Tree Nursey and they tend to have the typical Johnson county elevated prices. But it's worth it as they tend to carry the biggest inventory of hard to find plants and products.
I forgot to describe how great this stuff is for new cuttings. You know how they say cuttings shouldn't be fed or fertilized at all until roots are forming? Well this stuff is so mellow that it works great for watering and feeding new cuts until they're old enough for fertilizing. It seems to keep cuttings much healthier too. I have a tray of them on the back porch for the first time. I figured the hi temps would wilt them to nothing but as long as I keep them out of direct sunlight, they do great. As a rule, I always keep cuts between 70-75F as I'm told thats optimal for this. These guys look great and inside the humidity dome it is over 90-95F easily. Which is great as I can't keep the lights and trays set up indoors all year around. Lord I need a greenhouse desperately. Someday I'll find the funds.
Goodluck friends, JD

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