HELP! What's with the yellow leaves?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

This is probably pretty basic, but...

I've just noticed today, that quite a few of my plants (especially my poppies, nasturtium, beans and sweet peas) have solidly-yellowing leaves from the ground – up. The leaves fall off easily - and are doing just that. It seems as if it happened overnight (or got much worse, because I didn't notice it yesterday). My soil isn't low in nitrogen, and has 6.5 pH (I tested this spring), but it has been very humid here.

Help please – I know someone has the answer!


Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Magnesium deficiency
Older leaves chlorotic mottling, followed by general yellowing and brown necrotic spotting.
Potassium deficiency
Intervenal chlorosis near margins followed by marginal scorch.
Nitrogen deficiency
Growth stunted and thin; leaves pale green and older leaves yellow and die early; stems and petioles tend to be tinted red.
Lower leaves yellowing can also be caused by too much shade, too much water, not enough water.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I just read that salt in the soil can cause this as well (probably the cause of the above listed deficiencies). This didn't make sense, because I put them in a raised bed with new good soil. Then I remembered that I have been using city water, and lately haven't let it "sit" in a bucket before watering. So I believe that is what is causing my yellow leaves. Here is the link and photos:

hope this additional ifo is helpful

Griffin, GA(Zone 8a)

For your plants that are vegetables, I would be guessing a bacterial disease - such as early blight, which is very common here. When this kind of thing happens to tomatoes in home veggie gardens in our climate here, that is usually what it is.

Now whether or not such things would also affect the flowers, I don't know.

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks you guys! I'm going to try an Epsom salt foliar treatment first (to see if it is a magnesium deficiency), and if that doesn't work...then I'll try something for blight. I'll keep you posted. Thanks so much for the help!

Burleson, TX(Zone 8a)

Ginap, I've been contemplating the Epsom salt myself, but didn't know how to mix the foliar spray. Do you know how much to use?

Brooklyn, NY(Zone 7a)

konkreteblond, I believe that it is 1 tablespoon per gallon of water...that seems to be the popular answer on Google!

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