11 Month gift swap... What was in your box this month?

London, KY

I got my box!

WOW!!!! I am speechless.

I got:

Grapefruit and Peppermint Foot Therapy Lotion (it smells so goood, I wish I could share the smell with everyone, (the lotions mine but I'll let you all smell it, LOL)

A set of 3 flower pots for herbs
A ceramic bumblebee windchime
A beautiful ink pen with danglies on top
A beautiful picture frame (I already have my grandson's picture in it sitting on my desk)
Framed Civil War Relics Excavated from Battlefields and Campsites (I am still in awe) I showed them to hubby and he said "now what is this thing you are doing and how do I get in it, I want some neat stuff too". LOL

Gosh, just a thank you just doesn't seem appropriate. But THANK YOU so much!!!

This message was edited Aug 30, 2005 10:34 AM

Libby, MT(Zone 5b)

I have neglected to post that I received my September box already! Last week!
Thank you! (You know who you are!)
There was lots of great stuff in it and having it show up so soon reminded me that I had to get mine ready to send out. (Ready now!)
You guys are all great, and putting lots of thought into each box. This is lots of fun.
Can't wait to see what comes in the next box.

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

september???:? already??? wow

Yep, right around the corner! *smile* Ooooh, can hardly wait!

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Holy cow !

September came fast, silly me, i have been obsessing about the first days of first grade for my daughter and my husband going back to work.

I am not even sure who i send to this month! Baaaad me.

London, KY

I'm sorry it has taken a while to post my Thank You, I got my box on Friday but have been doing the family - Labor day- thing, but anyway, WOW! All last week I was worrying about having the family here for Labor Day cook-out because my salt and pepper shakers looked bad and every time I would go to the store I would forget to pick up some, Well I get my box on Friday and open it up and the first thing I see is a gardening apron, which I desperatly need, then Tupperware SALT and PEPPER shakers, I just sat there amazed then asked hubby if he emailed my secret pals to tell them I needed salt and pepper shakers, LOL. So those just made my week-end, Do you have ESP???*smile*anyway here is the rest of my stuff and the box was crammed full of great things.
Gardening apron
Tupperware S&P shakers
2 boxes (24 total) Gardenia scented votive candles (oh they smell so good)
Miracle Grow Plant Food Spikes (which my need really bad)
2 magnetic markers that says CREATE and BELIEVE (these are very pretty)
Lilac Scented body oil ( I love the smell)
2 packs of flower seeds (I'm already getting excited for next spring to get here)
Magnetic address/business cards (these are just the coolest thing, I love them)
7 piece bath ensemble, sponge, body brush, loofah, nail brush, bath pillow, bath and shower gel and body soap.

Thank you so much, I'll think about you tonight while I'm pampering myself. *smile*


Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I got my box for this month today and i'm having a considerably better day for it. I can't believe all of it fit in one box.

recipes for: "white trash cheese dip", "gorgeous guk", and "green tapenade"
numerous heirloom vegetable/flower seeds
shave gel/soap
plant markers

simply fantastic... this was such a good idea.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Yikes I have to send off my box..I hope I get my head on straight and don't send the Red Cross box off *G* My person if ya get a box filled with men's and boy's undies just ignore it just means I've finally lost my mind. Sorry for not getting it off the first of the month but been busy working in the shelters and with Red Cross.


Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I still have to send my box. Promise I will do it before the end of the week. Sorry for the delay.


High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Me too i admit. Been crazy trying to help people find their loved ones, the internet sure can be a great thing!

My box goes out in a day or so.

Okay ... Okay I'm late too! Got the stuff and will mail pronto!

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

my box went out today:)

Victorville, CA

I'm guilty too. So sorry! Home and my school and kids school and back to work have all caught up with me. Sorry! Will hopefully send out this weekend.

Victorville, CA

I received my box! It was packed with the most wonderous things in there! I think the theme was a relaxing/indulgence. It had some good smelling lavender soap, Chocolate Kisses (we call them boy kisses cuz they got nuts), some gardening gloves, some incense, a beautiful candle, a lovely ceramic stationery holder, some tea, Jelly Bellies (was that cuz I grew Jelly Bean Tomatoes this year?) they are one of the best jelly beans!, and a pedicure set! I can foresee a long hot tub soaking coming on....oh yeah.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

My box went out Wednesday (well I gave it to DH on Wednesday). guess I should check and make sure it actually went out...

Salem, MA

I got my box. No men's and boy's undies :-) But it was chock-ful of goodies to pamper myself. I got a manicure kit, a nifty pedicure device, sweet-smelling lotion, apron, cross stitch kitty cat, stationary gift pack, scented candles and a key chain. Only thing missing was a card or a return address to let me know who sent such a great box! Secret sender, whoever you are, thank you.

Okay, mine finally went out today. I'm sooo excited. Watching my mailbox and both doors!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

lol I know what you mean. The DH laughed at me when he came in with the mail and I said "Oh, so all I got was drugs?" (my RX, which are a week late finally arrived) We leave next weekend for a trip so I'll have to get a neighbor to be on mail duty. I'm just like a kid at Christmas time. DH will have been married 7 years this Sunday and I've been pokin and lookin everyplace to see if he got me anything. Lill sneak is getting good at hiding things! :(

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

I got mine too!

It was so lovely, there were the two SWEETEST little presents for my girls...

Little tooth fairy boxes (my 6 year old has lost 7 teeth and one is just hanging, so she was particularly delighted.)

I also got,
a great garden sign,
Halloween decorations,
a YUMMY smelling candle,
Seeds and plant markers,
A Halloween pin,
A quilting journal (i have been meaning to make or buy one, how DID you know)
Lotion and body cream that smell so good!
and a really nice card.

Thank you, thank you.
And thank you so much for thinking of my girls!


Ps. Here's a pic of my Sweet Peas.

Thumbnail by tombaak
Victorville, CA

Oh those are two pretty, pretty, princesses! Thanks for sharing.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Happy 7th Anniversary! We just celebrated our 7th year as well on September 5th! 1998 was a great year!


Hey Saint ... I'm sorry! It slipped up on me. Happy anniversary!

Victorville, CA

Happy Anniversary Saint! Sept. must be a good month for bonding two people together. We will be married 21 years on Sept. 29.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

lol thank you everyone we had a nice romantic evening at home (we went to dinner Saturday) and then Sunday I grilled my guy some cedar smoked salmon and we cuddled and watched a movie. We never make a big deal out of it cause he's the type to tell me and show me he loves me all year round.

Ooooh ... way to go, Saint!

Salem, MA

Okay, it looks as if the box I posted about on Sept. 15 came from something else entirely, not related to DG. Sorry about the confusion, everyone.

Libby, MT(Zone 5b)

Oops! It turns out that the box I received on August 22ish was NOT my September box, early. It was my August box a bit later in the month. I was so busy I didn't realize that I hadn't yet received an August box. lol.
Sorry to confuse everyone.
Ok, now I'm excited to see what comes in my September box!!!

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Hmm maybe we should be writing the month on the boxes lol

Victorville, CA

Hey Guys I was just looking on a map mostly to see where my brother is at in Tx and thankfully he is up near Fortworth however I noticed that Saint is in Orange and the map shows it near the Gulf coast. I hope she is ok. Sheila Huggins is right there in Houston. So we need to say extra prayers for our 770 friends in Tx today and hope that they are all right. I know that there are more Tx DGrs out there also that need our prayers too. Thank you.

Hey Juli ... I talked to Saint this a.m. and they made it safe to Dallas. Do you know anything about Shuggins? Praying ... praying! ... Elaine

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

I just wanted to let my pal know that her box arrived safe and sound...I'm just really behind on everything...even my Thank Yous!

I received a great box with lots of really fun things....spices (I've already used them), Peach preserves...yummy, an air plant with some cute frogs on it. I've had air plants before so I know how to care for them. A cute watering can, some garden tool and wild rose seeds. I can't wait to plant the seeds....just need to figure out where.

Those are the things I can remember right now....I wrote it all down like a good girl, and forgot where I put the list! Things are really crazy this month but I want you to know that I really appreciate the nice box of surprises!


Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Sorry, didn't mean to fall off the face of the earth. We haven't had internet service for a couple of days, so I couldn't get on. We made it through great. Our families are safe and our home wasn't damaged. Other than some sleepless nights and lack of access to additional food and gas, everything here is fine.

Thanks for thinking of us,

Victorville, CA

I'm glad to hear you are doing good Sheila that had to be very scary. Let's pray that Saint is doing as well.

Hi all ... Just got off the phone with Saint and she sounds good but tired. They're on the way to Austin trying to find gas cans, so they can get gas for returning home. She said their roof is damaged, their back porch is in the front yard they have trees down on their fence, but no SEVERE flooding. Of course there will be some, as it's been raining and her roof is damaged pretty bad, but she doesn't think there will be more than a couple of ft or so of water. I hope I'm telling the straight of this. The main thing is she and the family is safe. She said Zepita is enjoying the hotels! She said her cell service has been very spotty and limited and to tell everyone hello. ... Elaine

Victorville, CA

Thank you so much Elaine for letting us know. Funny how you can get so very concerned about somebody you've never met but I was worried.

Yep, so was I. Sure know what you mean!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I got my September box on Friday! I've been just as harried this month as my sender has been so of course it being late was a non-issue (and because I was late with sending mine out as well I completely understood) I am just getting around to a quiet evening where I can get on the computer and type this out.

The box, of course, was spectacular as they all have been! Lotions, soaps, a journal, wonderful yarn for a baby blanket for the NICU, and the coolest little bag you ever did see. There were two fabulous plants as well that I am studying up on, they need the perfect spot and I want to make sure I know what's best for them. This was wonderful because one of the things I love about gardening is all of the new stuff to learn. These two plants (Oh, forgot to mention them, Allium and ginger) have been on my wish list but when it comes time to purchase new plants they never seem to make it to the basket because I just didn't know much about them. I can try my hand at growing them now thanks to the September swap! Thank You September Box Angel!


Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I got my box. It was fabulous. I got several gardening magazines, a farmer's almanac, wonderful pajamas with matching slipper socks, bubble envelopes, small zip lock bags, seed labels. I think I am forgetting something, but for the life of me, I can't remember what it is and then there is my VERY favorite part, the card.

I absolutely love switching boxes with you guys. Everyone puts so much thought into them.

Thanks so much.


Salem, MA

Well I got a box, this time clearly labelled "DG September Box" - and Wow! I had loads of fun unpacking all the fall colors and spicy scents and wonderful gardening goodies that you picked out so carefully, pal. Dishtowels printed with pumpkins and apples; a soil test kit (which I can't wait to try come spring); orange spice tea; a luscious spice cake candle; heirloom seeds; a whole bunch of really pretty, leafy green stuff - notecards, body lotion, garden gloves and matching hat; and a giant Hershey bar (my inner toddler is jumping up and down). I can't believe how much you got in there! Thank you, thank you!

And it wasn't a bit late, not in the greater scheme of things. Driving home from work, my car started billowing smoke from under the hood. The mechanic said a leak in either the head gasket or radiator. Either way, the old beast isn't worth a major repair. So I got home on foot in a foul mood, and found your box waiting by the door to cheer me up. Isn't it funny how these things work out :-)

Thank you again for your thoughtfulness.

Victorville, CA

I've received my Oct.! It even said Oct. box on it! It was filled with wonderful delights! I just couldn't believe it! She sent me my very own preprinted address labels! She must be a Tupperware dealer because there were some of those new seasoning blends from Tupperware and a package of Black Bean soup that I can't wait to try. A separated Tupperware container that my daughter already snitched to take her lunch in, a whole bag of crocus bulbs, some beautiful flower seed packets, some midnight blooming Jasmine hand lotion that brings back some wonderful childhood memories and the most heavenly smelling jasmine body oil which I donned immediately. There was a marvelous smelling honeysuckle candle and then there were all the school supplies! Then...to top all of that off I got an email from her telling me that she had purchased some plants that I had been looking for, for a long time, and bought them and had them sent to me. I am so very overwhelmed that I don't quite exactly know what to say because thank you seems to fall very short of it. I will have to let her know when the plants arrive also. Very simply and inadequately put Thank you my Oct. pal.

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