11 Month gift swap... What was in your box this month?

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Use this thread to share what you got this month.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

OHHH I got a box!!! I was like a kid at Christmas *LOL* Mail came during dinner and I saw her walking up to the door with a flat rate box and I jumped out of my chair and flew to the door.

I'll be general on my items so not to give away the person, but rest assured this was a fantastic box!

Got a magnet (that is already on my fridge)

Bumper sticker (going to replace my old one)

hard candy that is going to cause trouble I can see now, it's old fashioned peppermint and lemon hard candy. I opened the bag and the smell was enough to start me drooling. I'm afraid the person does not know what they have done as I am now going to have to send her money monthly to get her to send me candy. I'm gonna be a junkie. Also got a lollipop shaped like ahemm something that I can't say or will give it away. *G*

A cookbook that I've flipped through and I know I'm going to have fun with. I just love cookbooks!!!

Got a book about the history of ________, DH already took that one and is upstairs reading it.

A small plaster decor item to put on the wall that will never see the wall cause I already have it hanging on the lamp by my computer (you know who, it's perfect and It's something that I would have bought for myself if I had been in the store)

and last but not least I got two plants...already transplanted and I can't wait to see how they do.

I hope I didn't forget anything but I've just been so excited that I'm not being organized.

I love my box and thank you very much!

I sent mine out today and just wanted to pass along some info the USPO gave me about the flat rate boxes. If they buldge at all they PO says they don't have to live up to the flat rate charge. Mine was a little out of shape on one end due to an odd shaped item and they made me open up the box and take it out. SO just FYI...


Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

I received a great box!
I didn't know that one box could hold so much stuff!
Thank you so much!!! It was tons of fun unpacking everything.

I particularly enjoyed the regional goodies you included. I'm trying to think of regional things from my area to include in my boxes!

The list goes on and on….plant stuff, home stuff, hobby stuff, computer stuff, regional stuff……ALL IN ONE BOX!!!

Thanks Again.


High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

My box came!

I got the prettiest leaf shaped bowl. Also some fairy lily bulbs, and a cute little grasshopper decoration (looks great in my asian inspired dining room) and did i mention this really beautiful bowl!!!

Thank you, thank you, you know who you are. :)

Seeds too!!!

This message was edited Jul 12, 2005 2:34 PM

Capistrano Beach, CA(Zone 10a)

I got my box today:

cookie press (!!!!!)
very sweet card
lily bulbs
peat pots
houseplant food spikes
very contemporary picture frame

thank you so much!

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Got mine yesterday! (Monday)
YOU are crazy!
Can't believe you fit Hugh Jackman in the box, his role as Wolverine was when I first drooled, saw X-men 3 times in a row at the theater just because of him! How did you know?...my boys loved the Hulk and Spidey candy.

The hat is perfect...as are the gloves.
Seeds for green striped tomatoes! Green Zebra Tomatoes AHHHHHH!
The Ipomopsis humming bird mix is going to be fun.
Monarda Panorama mix (don't have any of these yet)
Coleus...and Brandywine tomato seeds as well

Green office supplies...how did you know I'm an office supply junkie? I didn't write that in my questionaire! You rock! Mini stapler, sharpener, post-it notes, staples (THAT ARE GREEN!), notebook and ruler

Green soft lunch bag
Green Ice Cream scoop (are you spying on me? I am also an ice cream junkie)

Green soda can cooler (for my daily Lime Diet Coke)
Green nail polish that is on my toes as we speak...you are spying aren't you? I only wear nailpolish on my toes and it's always some shade of green...I know, it's an illness, my psychiatrist, Dr. Greensley, says I should stop. Ha Ha

And you just couldn't resist could you? Dove minis, Wrigley's Doublemint and Spearmint gum....How fun was that? Is it August yet?

Libby, MT(Zone 5b)

(Previously posted on the wrong thread.)

My box came! Thank you! Great candle. Lots of other neat stuff... And a GARDENING MAGAZINE. woohoo! Candy! My favorite kind. How'd ya know??? lol.
Thanks for taking the time to do this. Kathy

Ooooh, I got my box! *jumping up and down* Gosh, I'm not sure I can name EVERYTHING. It's packed! The flower pots are sooo pretty. Oh, and the sandstone with the lighthouse! How did you know?) It will be on my tree come Christmas. And the book ... gonna start it tonight. Thanks, it's just perfect. Even has a bookmark so I won't lose my place. Now let's see ... I've got some seeds, plant markers, (did you know I can put Braille on them? Neat, huh?) hand lotion and a great candle! See, I told you it was packed! How'd you do that anyway? Thank you thank you thank you! I just love EVERYTHING! ... SE

London, KY

oooh! oooh! oooh! I got a box! I got a box! BOY OH BOY did I ever get a box, yeehaw!! O.K. I will admit it I am just a little excited, today I was just getting ready to check the lottery numbers from last night when the box came, so I forgot about the lottery and opened the box and I hit the jackpot, I was oooing and aahhhing and whooping and hollering and my hubby came running and saying how much did we win, how much did we win?

I got 5 great magazines

a gardening book

light pink nail polish


a beautiful silk purse handmade by the sender



Bamboo type plant

and a very thoughfully written card.

Thank you so much! I love everything! Now I'm off to plant my Columbine and Clematis and research about the Bamboo, I have seen them in stores and was fascinated by them and always wanted one but just never did buy one. Thank you again!


Salem, MA

Yippee! I got a box! only I didn't know it :-( The post office quietly put it on the unused side porch and I found it when I went out to garden this weekend. It smelled wonderful even before I opened it, and everything in it was still in good condition. Without being *too* specific...

well-rooted plant of Kentucky Colonel spearmint

floral hand cream

big bag of potpourri (which also fascinates the cats - what is in it, hmm?)

nice garden tools which won't rust out like my worn-out ones

a yummy-smelling candle in a pretty lead glass

and a women's club cookbook that looks wonderful - I didn't have one from your state, yet, so I'm thrilled with it!

You even put a dog in the box! Soft, gray and very well behaved; it doesn't annoy the landlord or need walking: the ideal pet? The cats approve LOL

The mint is in the ground, and I'm trying to decide what recipe to try from the cookbook first. Thankyou for such a great assortment of goodies! I'm still floating around in a sort of haze of delight :-) Still can't believe you actually got a dog into the box ROTFL Thankyou again, you know who you are. And tomorrow I need to have a gentle chat with the mail carrier...

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I got my BOX!!! Couldn't have been a better time because it was definitely a Monday. I got a thermometer (which goes to 140 and that is certainly how hot it feels most of the time), gloves, some fly paper with a very interesting use, some small terrocotta pots, a great vase and according to my girls, the very best part is the RAWHIDE bones.

My favorite part is the recipe for the best cake recipe. I will be trying that for sure.

Thank you so much. I really appreciate all the stuff and most of all the time you took to get them all picked and sent.

By the way, my dogs would never let me waste good rawhide on my boys!!!

Thanks again.

Victorville, CA

I actually got my box on Friday just before we left for Las Vegas for the weekend. It was a wonderful send off! Thank You! It had many flowering plants and I'm gonna look them up next to see where to plant them. A strawberry plant for my garden. Thank you! There were some lovely handmade crafted items which I won't mention in case they are sending them along to you all but they were made with personal attention to my own decor and personalized. I almost cried at the thoughtfulness of *you know who you are* Thank You very much! The one personalized item was for my garden but I will keep it on my grow shelf in my room. There was also some books that I look forward to reading and some seeds that I will look up.I hope that I didn't forget anything. It was a wonderful box!
Thank You!

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

I've got one more little space to fill and my box for August will be ready to go.
I think I'm in the running for "the most things in one box award!"
I can't even remember what's in it. I put the box on my dresser and when I find something I think is neat....I just shove it in! I've been filling this box all month long! What fun!
I hope the person who gets it will have as much fun unloading as I've had loading!


Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I've got mine ready to go and will mail it off by the end of the week. I rushed since I thought I was going to be gone most of Aug but now since I'll only be out of town from the 20-27th I have plenty of time to work on Sep. box. LOL I have stuff stashed all over I need to find one place to put it all.

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I got my box! I got my box! Geez, I think my box was bottomless. I just kept pulling out more and more stuff.

I got some seeds, a book, a photo album, some plant tags, a notepad, a book on scrapbooking, a candle, dog toys for my girls (which they immediately loved and of course, they both wanted the same one), some wonderful soap, body wash, and lotion, a whirligig for my garden, bath foam and temporary tattoos for the boys and some candy, but the best part of all was the wonderful card.

You are all jealous, aren't you???? LOL!

Thanks you soooooo much.

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

I received a great box today. When I read the note that talked about the two plants....ginger and bee balm, I thought "Oh No..."
The box had been sitting at the PO since Thursday.:(
The good news is...they were in great shape! Either they are really hardy plants or the packing was great...or both!
They are both in the ground...looking happy. Thanks so much. I've heard that Bee Balm is great for hummingbirds. I've been trying to attract more h-birds.
My box also contained...candy..mmm....my family loves it when I get candy. The ginger candy was something new for us....really neat! The saltwater taffy was a great hit too.
The biggest hit was the Spicey cookbook. Everyone read it and had suggestions for the first things we should try!!
I loved the rose scented lotion...wonderful!
Also, a beautiful windsock...hanging outside right now, some great tea and some bulbs and seeds.
Everything came wrapped in great colored tissue paper.

Thank you so much!

Boone, NC(Zone 6b)

this sounds like so much fun-- how does one become a "member" and what sort of things go into the box-- have you all learned to know each other over tiem on DG?


Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Blazer just watch the Round Robin Forum and when you see a post for a 12 month swap or that type of RR then jump in and add your name, it's as easy as that. We all filled out bio's and answered questions and then went shopping. *G* It really is fun and makes you use your brain to try and figure out what that person would like. So far this is our second month and my first box was fantastic, filled with candy I've become addicted to (you evil evil sender you :P~) books, plants a cookbook that is now one of my favorites...tons of stuff.

Roxboro, NC

How can I join a round robin exchange?

Agent Scully

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

read above post

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

Or start a new one! :)

There are a two of this type going on right now. Several people have expressed interest in joining one or the other of our full groups.

I am sure there would be enough people to get at least a 6 month swap going.

High Desert, NV(Zone 5a)

I got my box !!!

We are in the middle of a crazy home remodel. Making our house more wheelchair friendly, i actually got my box yesterday, but it took till today to unearth my computer.

I got tons of fun stuff,
A picture frame (My girls will look lovely in)
A locket (ditto)
Bath beads
A candle
Little storage containers (SO handy)
A great magazine
Yummy smelling body oil
Poppy seeds
Note paper with my name on it
Fun, fun stuff!!!!

Thank you VERY much!

Salem, MA

I came home today to a flat-rate box sitting directly under my mail slot. Wow, that was one solidly packed box! full of tissue-wrapped goodies.

There was a book which is quite fascinating, I've already read several parts of it; two equally interesting bookmarks; catnip for my boys (bliss kitty time tonight); a tough pair of garden gloves; a rustic decorated cachepot; cruelty-free hand cream; pot markers for planting (always nice to have); several different kinds of seeds; AND brownies.

Thank you, merci, muchas gracias! What a great box you put together! I loved the local items especially, but for the kitties it was no contest :-) I'll let you know about the triple-chocolate brownies - I should be able to find time this weekend for a little quality control duty *LOL*

Thank you so much!

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

LOL if you don't send em my way and I'll "test" em for ya.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

I got my box today!! My bad bad bad DH (guess that means he ain't so darlin!) just put it on the table and didn't tell me! I came downstairs to let the baby out and found it. I have been so lucky in my boxes, both have been just great!

I got a pot glazed in the perfect color for my house (it's a blue/grey)
santa magnet for the fridge
big bag of nuts (they went right in the suitcase for nibbles on the road)
jelly (don't tell serg cause I hid it so he can't have any)
a crystal candle holder and votive that I already have lit and in the bathroom
garden tools (I'm ashamed to say I didn't have any)
seasoning salt that I can't wait to use
and best of all BRAD PITT! *G* Of course it was just a picture in a very nice frame but I can still drool over it.

I hope I didn't leave anything out...

You know who...THANK YOU very much I'll do as your letter says and make something nice for the DH but it isn't gonna have that jelly or those nuts in it *LOL*

Victorville, CA

I got my box yesterday. You all have no idea just how wonderful an idea this was. My Dh and I bought a small old house from an elderly couple whose children moved them out in one big truck. Needless to say they left the garage full of *stuff* We spent yesterday cleaning it out. Now the bad part of it is that my dad passed away about 2 yrs ago and we had to move my mom in with us and had to clean out dad's garage. Yesterday was a repeat of it. This man must have been in some kind of construction work (like my dad) and he must have done re-upholstery on the side (like my dad). Needless to say it was a hard afternoon and we have to go finish today. It was so nice to come home and the box was here waiting for me with such wonderful personal things for me. It had some heavenly smelling candles and a handmade item that was made with my favorite colors, some after gardening lotion, the prettiest addition to my collection, a gardening magazine that I can't wait to read, some natural soap, an interesting thing was the lavender dryer sachets that I can't wait to try on my sheets and I think that was it but if I forgot anything it is because I am so overwhelmed with the thoughtfulness of this person. Thank you, it was truly a lovely box!

What a special post. gave me the chills...... thank you for sharing. There are many special people on Daves.... including yourself!

It is a wonderful feeling that on this site, some special relationships are built, even if we may never meet in person....we are very fortunate for the internet.

Bless you.

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

well we just got home from vacation yesterday and i was so excited to recive my aug box!

had a very pretty ceramic dish! cute little water gauge with angels and some YUMMY black licorish nina my min pin loved her cookies also:") and i just cant stop smelling the lotion:)

thank you so much!

Salem, MA

Well, my internet access was out for two days due to a virus. And I had to do qc on the brownies my sender put in my Aug. box. Had to do a *lot* of qc on these triple chocolate brownies. There are still some left, so there may have to be more qc in my future. Thanks for your offer araness, but this is a job I have to do myself. Duty calls.

Auburn, AL(Zone 8a)

Don't worry about it, I've done more than my share of QC this past week. And we are on the go again next week. Humm maybe if I could wire my mouth shut I could finally be a twig.

Hmmmm, looks like a lot of wiring going on in this thread!

did i hear brownies?????
and my hint for the august box is...

un penserino per un cara amica, lei parla italiano????????????

Willits, CA(Zone 8a)

(hint,hint) :)

Yea ... got my box! Thank you soooo much! I just love the beautiful nutmeg scented geranium. It smells soooo wonderful. I've never seen one before. Oh, and the lighthouse humming bird feeder ... how precious! And the sun bonnett is just perfect! Gosh, are you spying on me? You even bought my fav coffee nips. Hmmmm, how did you know? The coffee cup is already on display with the rest of mine. Just perfect. And I can't wait to plant the flower seeds. I'll sure be needing those gloves and plant markers in the garden, also. Thank you very much for everything. ... Elaine

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I got my box for August yesterday!

Melissa had let me know that my sender was having quite a horrible month and that it would be late. After reading my sender's note I would have to agree, she's doing much better than I would be. (I'd be carrying around an IV with a prozac drip at this point for sure!)

As horrible as this month has been for her I still had a wonderful box full of plants, a mini photo album, personalized garden sign, handmade kitchen items, potpourri (mmmmmm, yummy), and the neatest journal WITH GREEN PAGES, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THANKYOU!


Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

A boX A Box!!

i got mine today- well yesterdays but i checked the mail today:)

lemme see

burts bees chapstick went in my pocket on the way to work:) had a few bites of the sugar free candy then i fell in LOVE with the most adorable little ceramic bird this is the sweetest little bird you have ever seen i LOVE it then an adorable bunny that "poops" cotton balls, my son laughed his pants off hehe LOTs of seeds i have been wanting and lots of magazines! some of the little seed envelopes i have beet meaning to buy ( now i dont) some books one on growing veggies which i will take to heart next spring

thank you so much!!!

i LOVE the birdy btw:) if you couldent guess:) Can you get more of them??? LOVE THEM lol

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

A bunny that "poops" cotton balls....That reminds me of another...
When I was in 3rd grade we lived in Brasilia, Brazil. My mom's friend took me to the store to look for a birthday gift for my dad. I found this crocheted soft stuffed mallard duck (my dad collected ducks) that you filled with jelly beans and they would "poop" out when you squeezed it. I filled it with jelly beans, wrapped it myself and waited for his birthday party.

My parents were hosting a dinner that night and invited some friends as well as several Ambassador type muckety-mucks from the Embassy who would be there with their wives. My mother told me that my father's boss and his bosse's boss would be there as well as several people from the Embassies of other countries.

That night when I was supposed to be in bed I wanted to go out and peek at the adults but needed an excuse to leave my room and interrupt the party. I figured that giving my dad his birthday present early would charm the guests and I probably wouldn't get in as much trouble for that instead of asking for a drink of water or complaining of nightmares or something.

I took his gift to him and when my mother told me to go back to bed I told my dad I couldn't wait for him to open my gift. The wife of one of the Embassy guys told my mom to let my dad open it, how cute I was and all that. My parents knew darn good and well this was my attempt to get out of going to bed and that I was schmoozing with their guests.

My dad opened up the gift held it out for all to see and said "thankyou honey, go back to bed" so I say "wait dad, it poops jelly beans" I just remember how dead quiet the dining room got as my father realized what I had just said. He gently squeezed the mallard around the middle working the contents and caught the jelly bean "poop" in his cupped hand. The whole place went absolutely nuts! Almost everyone was drunk and in hysterics, snorting, wanting to hold the duck and try it out. I was the star of the show, and one of the wives convinced my mother to let me stay up a little while longer with everyone at the party.

I fell asleep on the couch with my head on my father's lap. Later he said that the party was kind of stiff until the duck "pooped" and that it was a dinner party that people at the Embassy actually talked about. The best is when he told me about how much fun his boss had and that no one in the office ever saw the boss laugh harder than he did that night. Pooping ducks and bunnies....who would have thought?

Ah, what a cute story! Hmmm, never seen these before. *holding side laughing*

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

oh how adorable!

my son told me that i "had" to buy some cotton balls today so i did lol i love the little guy as much as he does:)

Victorville, CA

If everyone could see the world through a child's eyes can you just imagine, we wouldn't be so worried about making impressions on other people and wars would last a few minutes and then all forgotten and we'd play together again :~)

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