help rhubarb..

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

I love rhubarb, so again i brought home big plant from my brothers did 2 yrs ago they all died. so trying one , i told him i will put side house run cord keep a fan on it a he said redneck gardening huh?? yeah right.. but its just to hot i guess for it here. he has lots lots every summer.. clue what can do??

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

I agree...too hot there. I have the same problem. I love Rhubarb...I'm waiting for heat tolerant varieties!

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

well think we will have a long wait.. its so high in stores now know why.. i will nurse this huge plant along..

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

I planted rhubarb 5 years ago when I started my garden without knowing that it wasn't supposed to grow here. It's gorgeous every year and provides lots of rhubarb. I mulch it heavily but don't water it much at all.

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Hmmm. You must have a variety that is pretty tolerant of our southern heat. Got any for trade? Going to the plant roundup this fall? :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

This is my first year trying rhubarb. It is growing and looking good. I know that it is not supposed to be used the first year, but what do I do to it in the fall? Do you cut the foliage back and mulch, fertilize, please help, I am so excited that it is doing so well, don't want to kill it in the long run.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

thripmaster--I just bought the thing at Lowe's or Home Depot in the bulb section. Had no clue it wasn't supposed to be grown here. I really wish I had more of them as it takes a lot of stalks to make something. Don't know the variety. It doesn't get red, so it took me a couple of years to get brave enough to try eating it, as I was afraid maybe it was just decorative--but it's delicious. I don't know how to propagate it. If you do, I'll share with you. What's the plant roundup, at the risk of sounding like a newbie, which I am?

defoecat--I don't do anything with mine until after frost and then the leaves that I've not harvested just die back. I leave them alone until spring--just pile pine straw and leaves up around the plant. It's really winter hardy, even the years that we've had tons of snow. I fertilize once in the spring with timed-release regular garden stuff. Mine puts out huge flower stalks in the spring, but somebody told me to cut those off, so I do without knowing why. Give it lots of space and enjoy. Good luck.

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

You know...sometimes those Lowes specials are really tough. I have a dahlia like that. I got it at lowes and it is so tough that is just keeps right on blooming despite terrible heat. Then it faithfully comes back every year without digging tubers. The plant roundup is when a bunch of DG member from the SE meet in GA for a huge plant swap and party. It is SOOO fun. I went this spring as a guest. That was the most fun and generous bunch of people I have ever met. I came home loaded with plants and smilin....and I didn't even have any plants for trade. They were all gifts! It is in GA. If you want to go this year we should share rides.


Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

OK, Robin. I'd love to check that out. I'd have to know in advance so I can arrange time off work. Do you know dates yet? What are you planning to take? I could start potting up some things, but I don't know what people would be interested in. Can you give me any ideas?

I bought a digital camera yesterday and have been having a good time getting decent pix of flowers. Now I have to figure out how to post them.

It's funny. I have a daughter named Robyn who moved from Monroe to Pageland last summer and still drives back to Monroe to work.

This message was edited Jul 1, 2005 11:41 AM

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

It is in October. If you go to the forum for Calendar of Events and look at the Southeast you should see it there. I have never been to one in the fall..only in the spring so I don't know for sure what people will bring. Last year there were lots of Brugs because lots of people with with that society. Also almost every kind of other plant imaginable. Lets see...hostas, blackeyed susan, dianthus, lilies, datura, toadlily, coleus, orchids, houseplants, herbs, hibiscus, and that is just a start. I can't even remember the rest. I imagine in the fall it may be bulbs, perinneals....etc. Whatever the case, it is fun. I think you should bring whatever you have in your garden that you want to share. Everyone seemed equally as happy to share basic garden plants as well as more exotic things. As time gets closer you will see some threads start where people are arranging trades in advance. Lots of people arrived with plants pre-reserved for others. That should give a better idea of what kinds of things people bring to a fall swap. For sure you should go. It is fun.


Funny that you have a daughter also named Robyn that works in Monroe!

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

OK, Robin. I'll start planning. I'd really like to go. I'll see if my daughter Robyn wants to go, too. She's a real gardener, too. Myabe we can carpool. Be fun to get acquainted with other gardeners and Christians from the same area.

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

OK. Lets make a plan when the time gets closer. I promise it is lots of fun.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

OK, it's a deal.

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Now I see that there is also a plant roundup gettin planned for Sept in Boone for Carolina people. I'll let you know as I get more info.

Fayetteville, NC(Zone 8a)

OK. I'm just not getting stuff ready like I wanted to this week. Maybe next week will be better.

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