How long does it normally take to get blooms from a clematis

Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)

I bought my clematis last year...probably in June. So this is the second year I've had it. It has grown appreciably, but I want some blooms.

How long might I have to wait?

Dee :)

(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Should start blooming any time now. How tall is it? And what kind is it?


Ocean Springs, MS(Zone 9a)


I don't remember the name or anything. It is about 3 ft and I think it is supposed to be a wine or burgundy color. But, I may be remembering incorrectly.


(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

There are three classes of clematis A, B, and C and each blooms at a different time and is pruned at a different time. If you don't know the name or the class, just wait till it blooms and then come back to the forum with a photo and a bloom date and ask again. Or you could ask on the plant identification forum.

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You can also try Clematis on the Web to help you ID your beauty.


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