Happy Birthday to TamaraFaye

Temecula, CA(Zone 8b)


happy birthday to you!

best wishes,

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

Thank You!

Late getting on the puter, had a long day, ended with the BEST squash casserole EVER. Of course, got the recipe on DG, and the squash from my garden last July. Yes, that is what I said, this thing kept 11 months, and is sweeter than anything you can imagine.

Of course, I wanted CORN for my birthday, but it just wasn't QUITE ready. Got lovely flowers from my garden, and some from a friend :-) And nice greetings from my DG friends... you know who you are....

Been lying bout my age all day, anybody wanna take a stab at it? lol

Thanks again for the greeting Don! I sure was born on a HOT day, my poor mother! They probably didn't have air conditioning in the hospitals back then either ;-)


Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

sorry i haven't been around much, injured my hand/arm july 3rd, had surgery the 8th. just wanting to check in, miss you guys!

Southern Mountains, GA(Zone 6b)

Sorry to hear about your injury. Hope you're on the mend and will be fully rcovered asap.
Happy belated birthday!

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

thanks, i ate all the corn at supper lol, my seven yr old )who is the other corn fanatic) is missing five frint teeth. when i toold him the first fall corn would be ready around his biryhday, he said" oh boy, corn for MY BIRTHDAY!" nut doesn't fall far from the tree, hee hee :-)

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