Bush Bean question

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

We planted Cherokee wax (yellow), Dragon Langerie (yellow), Royal Burgundy (purple), Provider and Kentucky Wonder (both green) and a few bush lima's. Some of them have tendrils coming up like they are pole beans. Is this normal? My SO wants to put up some stakes just in case - I say leave them alone. Last year we only did one kind of bush bean and there were no tendrils....


Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Kim i do believe so is right to stake the ones showing tendrils Kentucky Wonder is a climer. Ernie

Wichita, KS(Zone 6b)

Some of the bush beans will get those tendrils but they don't go too far.

Shenandoah Valley, VA(Zone 6b)

Isn't there a Kentucky Wonder bush bean now?

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Yes Zeppy, I checked, it is the bush type - so it says on the package.

Thanks Vashur - that's what I was hoping.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)


(Zone 7a)

Ernie, those "oops" of yours might have belonged to whoever labels bush bean seed packets.

Our "bush" beans are 5' tall now. I don't remember which one we planted, but it very clearly said "b u s h" on the front of the seed packet, and since our whole kitchen garden is growing under bird netting draped over 3' tall frames, it was bush beans I was trying to grow. The blooms are sort of a blue-y pink.

We've given them a tripod and a sky-roof in the netting - I wonder how long before Woody finds a way to them?

Kim, has Woody let you find out how tall those "bush" beans intend to climb yet? Were yours mislabeled, too?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

have you heard about Kim & woody? she has it in her thread about her veggie gardens, its a must-read!

(Zone 7a)

yes - Kim is a wonderful and effective writer. Didn't know with whom to empathize more. In Dad's time, woody would have been all that stood between his mother, brothers and sisters and starvation. He hunted from a very young age.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Well, the bush beans here have stayed bush. Not only that but I need to go harvest some, just as soon as I can stand the humidity.... The pole beans are off their poles - pretty, but not beans yet!

Woody better watch out around here. I am feeling more protective every day!


(Zone 7a)

I believe the North Carolina remedy in Dad's family for Woody et al was called New Brunswick Stew. In Baltimore where DH was raised, his high school buddy's Dad trapped local wildlife and fattened them up in cages in his cellar - talk about urban sustainable living - LOL. No, those recipes haven't come down to me.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

:-) some things just don't need to get passed down...

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey, I thought New Brunswick Stew was made with chicken!?! LOL everything tastes like chicken.

On Topic: bush beans did not get picked as it started raining. I was told many moons ago, don't touch the bean plants when they are wet. Part of me wants to do exactly the opposite - what would Freud say?

We did get some veggies for dinner. See here: http://dg.davesgarden.com/forums/t/522566/


(Zone 7a)

Maybe a reincarnated Freud would say, "You go, Girl." or "Every pot needs a Stirrer-Upper." Personally, I'm not sure Herd Phobia needs remedying. This is fun - what do y'all think a reincarnated Freud would say? What do you think he would come reincarnated as? (Maybe he's here as a comedian or talk show host? Oprah?)

Very attractive heap of vegies. I'd share a photo of my 2 snap peas, but fortunately lack a digital camera.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

I think maybe he's here as Art Bell....
psyching out the 'herd phobics' over the air waves.

And the ''don't pick the beans'' is:
the rust that forms where the rain drops sit???

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey bluespiral:
Jus ordered this camera as a back up & to carry around because of its size.
If this little camera is half as good as the reviews say, it'll well be worth tha money!

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Hey Charlie! I am anxiously waiting to see pictures of your cultivars in the Plantfiles.

San Jacinto County, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey Farmerdill
I was out brush hogging because after most of my garden burned and we got rain this place is turning into a jungle.
This past week tha DW was in Ca & po-me was left by mesef.
Work work and work. Should have closed that produce stand.

I had jus tilled before tha rain for more planting and got erosion.
Took out to many furrows! I hope to plant through Aug.

I was actually in plant files this AM looking around.
Thanks for tha reminder. I'll get thar ya know !

My truck driving Son is up Ga. way sometimes but usually more to Huntsville Al. and points East.
He's heard most of my stories including my Augusta one.

(Zone 7a)

Blooms, pseudo-science reincarnated over and over again? Erck. think I'll stick with story tellers in grand old traditions - there's one who spans both modern civilization's literate traditions and ancient, Native American pre-literate traditions: Louise Erdrich - am reading her book, The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse. There's a world of difference between the ways Freud/Art Bell and writers like Erdrich portray the relationship of known to unknown.

Move over, rust - bean patches are great places to ruminate.

Thanks, heycharlie - but cameras are a future thing right now.

Ijamsville, MD(Zone 6b)

Don't pick from wet bean plants: "Bright yellow or brown spots on the leaves or water-soaked spots on the pods are signs of bacterial bean blight"

We haven't had a problem but I won't tempt fate. Those beans have overcome groundhogs and japanese beetles so far!

(Zone 7a)

If I do anything differently next year regarding beans and pests, I might plant a variety that in bygone years in our garden did not seem to interest beetles - the Chinese yard-long bean. Where square footage is low, this is a great one to take to the air - I think it's capable of covering overhead hoops. Just need to figure out how to keep its little feet safe from hairy nibblers. Since it's not a hybrid, saving seed will give you the same plant the following year.

Would anyone happen to have any seed to trade?

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Just remember that the Yard Long bean (Vigna sesquipedalis), is a member of the southern pea group. Flavor is different from the common snap bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris), Bean beetles don't mess with this group. There are other pests which take on, yard longs, Black eyes , crowders and the like, but they are relatively pest free.

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