Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

LOL I didn't really mean to shout that, but maybe it applies.

I've been vegetable gardening for, hmmm, let's say a loooooooong time. Two days ago, I was weeding around the summer squash, being careful to leave the radishes. There were a few that seemed overly large, and I pulled one and saw white root instead of red root. I had some Daikon radish seed a few years ago, but was pretty sure I'd used it all. O, well, give it a good rub and sniff - smells kind of radishy - take a nibble - HOT ROARING DRAGON BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well now, we have all learned a lesson - never, and I mean never, nibble on wild mustard!!!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Has the swelling in your tongue subsided yet?

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

You poor thing :-( I will be sure to not do that...

Riverview, NB(Zone 5b)

Oh no!!!!

The words, "Fire" & "Numb" come to mind.

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

A glass of cold milk did the trick.

Washougal, WA(Zone 7b)

ROFL! Sounds like something I'D do! Hope the swelling has subsided. :)

Pocahontas, TN(Zone 7b)

Well Bless Your Heart!! I'm sorry it happened but you sure told it in such a way that it set me to laughin'


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