Tips needed on growing Tulip Poplar from seed

Dover, NJ

Hello everyone,

Has anyone ever grown Tulip Poplar trees from seeds? Any tips other than putting the seeds in dirt? And about how long does it take for them to germinate?


Illinois, IL(Zone 5b)

Plant them outside in the fall as soon as they are ripe, using just enough finely crumbled soil or coarse (chain-saw) sawdust to cover them. And plant a lot of them, because their viability is notoriously low. In your heat zone, you also might give the new seedlings about 50% shade the first year, and never let them dry out or drown.

Guy S.

Dover, NJ

Hi Guy,

Thanks for the info! I had read online somewhere that they naturally germinate during the cool of winter, and that the process is slow. I had not heard about the low germination rate. I don't think the full sun would bother the seedlings, but our summer time heat in Louisiana (90 degree plus) certainly might, especially if the soil gets dry. I had recently bought some seeds and planted a few a couple of weeks ago, but with no success yet. I'll probably wait until the fall now. Thanks again!


Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Shocked to see someone trying to grow tulip poplars on purpose! I've been thinking about this often lately, when I lived in Colorado I spent $14 on a gallon pot of Virginia Creeper to climb a fence. Couldn't get rid of yarrow and didn't win my battle with it. Moved to Virgina a few years later, saw yarrow at a nursery for $8 a gallon and Virginia creeper is my biggest enemy as well as Tulip poplars that insist on growing right in the middles of my beds. PLEASE let me know if you want rooted cuttings of either! I have several rooted Tulip Poplars (about 2-3ft tall that would fit in a shipping tube) if your seeds don't make it, otherwise I'm sure I'll pull the little suckers out AGAIN only to have more fill in later.


Dover, NJ

Hi Garity,

LOL I'm trying to grow these to attract tiger swallowtails. They are one of the host plants for the tiger catepillars. I have heard that the tulip poplars are considered a "weed tree" by many, so the ones I'm growing will stay in pots. If they do attract the tigers, I'll probably plant some every year, and then cut down the potted ones that get too big.

If you have some seeds I'd be happy to send you a SASE for some. Thanks!


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