Upset over Disabilities lesson

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

In my latest teaching lesson we were asked to explore educational issues. Tutor divided us into small groups and each group went away for a couple of weeks to explore an issue and give feedback on it. My group was exploring the Kennedy Report and Widening Participation. It went ok. I was a bit disappointed not to have done the Disabilities issue (SENDA). We have to write a 2000 word essay on our issue to hand in in the autumn. We can make our own choices for that though.

The group that was giving the presentation on disabilities went ahead with it. There was Q & A on it and discussion. Among the questions was whether anyone had been affected by this issue. So of course, I said yes and mentioned, briefly, the bad treatment that I had had at the university when I developed glaucoma.

I got such a mauling! There's a new student on the course (she's started at the Stage 2 entry point). She said I should have told the university that I had glaucoma when I started on the course. I pointed out that I didn't HAVE glaucoma when I started on the course. She was really quite stroppy. Then the teacher got in on the act. She told me that the university had taken reasonable action so it wasn't discrimination. The other students followed along the same lines. It was a really disagreeable experience and I'm very glad that it was the last lesson of term. I may be going along to a pub session next week (I'm considering emailing someone to back out of it - I'll be busy packing and stuff anyway).

I've checked on the websites for this topic. It looks pretty clear that I WAS discriminated against. The university made mistakes that resulted in my being disadvantaged compared to the other students. I'm past the cutoff date for legal action now. In any case I backed off eventually only because of concerns about my health, both mental and physical. My blood pressure had soared extremely high and I was worried in case pursuing it further would lead to a heart attack or stroke.

I had been considering exploring disability issues for this coming assessment. Now I think it'll be too upsetting for me and it would be better to do something else.

I'm still feeling very bruised over this lesson. :(

oiartzun-near san se, Spain(Zone 8a)

So sorry to hear of your bad experience Northerner. I have also suffered from unfair treatment at the hands of employers and the health service due to my fibromyalgia and ME. As you can see I live in Spain, but a friend in Norwich with a similar condition has suffered the same problems...Sadly discrimination against people with disabilities,especially those which aren't visibly obvious, seems to be common and widespread. Sorry this is not exactly a cheering message, but at least it shows you you should try not to take it personally. Hugs, Maggi

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Sorgina. The woman who was bitchy to me right at the beginner was a newcomer on the course, and from looking at me she wouldn't have been able to guess that I'm disabled. The only thing that is noticeable is the fact that I use two pairs of spectacles - one pair on the end of my nose and the other on a chain around my neck. That indicates that I have poor eyesight. Anyway, I'll make very sure that I never ever sit next to that woman.

As for the teacher... Well, she handled the lesson badly. I had people ganging up against me and she should have leapt in and toned it down a bit. Instead she made it even hotter. She could have used my example to demonstrate the difficulties that being disabled can bring, and used it to discuss strategies to help a disabled person. Instead the lesson turned into a free-for-all let's be nasty to Diane lesson. Extremely unpleasant. These people make me feel sick to my stomach. I could never be like that. I've had disabled people to teach and I try to be good with them.

I can't see me at the pub on Wednesday. I can think of pleasanter ways to pass the time.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Is there anyone above this woman in authority that you could write a letter to and describe the treatment you had gotten from this newcomer? For someone working with people with disabilities, her actions were totally unacceptable along with the rest of the people there. You have been insulted and discriminated against, by some very ugly people. (in their attitudes and probably their looks also). Is there someplace where you can report the actions of these nasty people? Over here, we have strict discrimiation laws. I so wish there was something we can do to help. Try to hang in there. Love, Doris.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Doris. I had actually been considering contacting the college and putting in a complaint. Or transferring to another teacher next term.

However, by next term the students will have forgotten all about it and the teacher will be too busy with her next term's schedule to think any more about it.

I think I'll just cancel the pub event, and next term I'll sit in the library and read magazines rather than sit with this bunch during the break. It's not as if I went out of my way to be provocative; it was one of the group doing the Disabilities presentation that started the whole thing by asking us if anyone had been discriminated against. I'm not sure I even trust college Admin; they might side with the teacher.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello again Doris.

I've decided to have a chat with the college's disability officer. I've got an appointment booked with him. It's actually a fortnight's time because I'm going on holiday later this week and I'm busy trying to get ready for it.

I'm not sure that this will actually achieve anything, though maybe the teacher will be chatted to briefly.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

That would be an excellent idea. Hopfully then, someone would talk to her about her behavior in a classroom. She could have turned this whole thing around and it might have turned out to be a good learning insight into one of the many disabilities people have these days. I don't feel she it fit to be any kind of person to lead any discussions! If she were a normal person, she would have at least a slight regret about this was handled, and hopefully, she will get talked to, after you see the Disability person. Take care and I am happy you are planning a bit of vacation. Doris

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Doris.

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