Have Water Hyacinths, Daylilies, Liriope, & More To Trade

Jonesboro, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi you guys. I'm new here and thot I'd try this out. I just got into gardening last year, and this year I have put in two small ponds. I now have LOTS of water hyacinths. It's unbelievable! And I also have orange daylilies, solid green liriope, orange trumpet vines, yellow honeysuckle vines, english ivy, wild myrtles, and some stonecrop sedum to trade if anyone is interested. I'm looking for pond plants other than hyacinths, horsetail reed, water cress, water celery and water irises. I'm particularly fond of cannas, gingers, taros, different kinds of irises, callas, and things I haven't even heard of yet. So what have you got? What you may think is ordinary may be unusual to me. I love doing big trades. And since I am trying to build up my gardens, I won't do trades for postage at this time. Please email me if you're interested in trading: Casper4440@yahoo.com

Thanks everyone!


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