Okra in the Earthbox

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

This is my okra. I started it from seed directly in the box. It's looking pretty good.

Thumbnail by 4xthefun
Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Lookin Good Laura. Started the seeds right in the EB? I wonder what else that would work well with? I don't know how sensitive Okra is, but it seems like corn might also work well with a direct seed. Have you tried anything else this way?

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Yes! My corn is doing great! Here is a picture from a last week. It gets bigger by the day!

Thumbnail by 4xthefun
Kearny, NJ(Zone 7a)

Cucumbers & Summer Squash also work well when direct seeded into an EB. Here's a pic of Raven Hybrid zucchini approximately 6 weeks after direct seeding. I just picked my first 2 squash today.


Thumbnail by ritchh
Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Your plants look good and the direct seeding soundes good. I think I'll try some direct seeding for the fall planting. Maybe just start a little early,like mid August. Have you tried it with maters?

Kearny, NJ(Zone 7a)

I'm in New Jersey and my growing season is not near long enough to direct seed tomatoes. I can't see any reason however why it wouldn't work in the deep south.


Inverness, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks Rich - I won't try it for our fall season but it sounds like a reasonable thing to try next spring. I'll just roll an EB into the house and get an early start. Ed

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